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ʱ�䣺2024-07-10 09:43:49 ��ѧ��� ��ҫͷ��
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����3�����������յļ����ϣ���let��s talk���ص���ͽ���ǿ����ϰ��




����3��ѧ���ܹ���������let��s chant����������˵������








����1���ڹ��̵�������ļ����ϣ�ǿ������one, two, three, four, five�ε��϶��ͼ��䡣

����2���������þ��ͣ�how many ���ʣ�������5���ڵ����ش� �ѵ㣺����ȷ��������four��five�ĵ��σ��ܹ����������let��s chant�����ݡ�






����step 1 warm-up

����1. greetings:

����t: hello,boys and girls!

����ss: hello,miss ji.

����t: nice to meet you.

����ss: nice to meet you,too.

����2��let��s chant(��ʦ��ѧ��һ������

�����������ͼ��ͨ��let's chant������ã�ӫ���������ķ�χ��ʹѧ�����ٽ���ѧϰ״̬��)

����step 2 presentation

����1��t:today we have some new friends in our class, some new teachers,and who else?����������ʦ�����õ����ֿ�ƭ��˵��������ʦ֮�⻹��һщ�������ѣ�.

����t:yes,we have some number friends in our class, now let��s meet the first friend, it��s one.



����1������ѧ����һ�ֵı��֣�����ѧ��һщƻ����ƭ��ϊ��������ʦ�����ߵ����н�ʒ��һ��ѧ���աߣ������������еŀ�ƭ����ʦҳ�����լ����еŀ�ƭ��t��you have an apple, i have an apple,too.what��s one and one?����ѧ���ش����

2��t:yes,we are two. this is our second friend.��ʾtwo�ĵʿ����̶�����ʦ�����ʣ�how many apples? ss: two.

������ʦ�����̶ֱ߽����ʣ� two��ѧ������ʦһ�������μ���ʾ����ѧ���ش� (�����ͼ��ͨ��������с��ʒ��ѧ������һ��һ���ڼ�������ѧ���뵽ӣ������������ܹ�����ѧ�������������������ϵ������ѧ���ļ����ԣ����õi���ѧ����ѧϰ���ʡ���

����3��what��s missing?

����t��now i have some numbers in my hand.can you find what��s missing?���ѧ���ش�3����ʦ˵��yes,but where is it? i think it��s in your desk.please find it out.ѧ���ҵ���ʱ��t��it��s here.it��s three.����

�������̶�����ʦ���̶ֽ���ѧ��������ů��������ʾ�μ���how many rabbits?һ��ѧ���ش�



����t��how many friends do we have?


����t��yes, we have three friends. look ,four is coming.

������ʦ�ó�4�ĵʿ�����ѧ�����ܣ�this is four.���鲢�������ʣ���ʾ�μ���t��how many monkeys? ss��four����ʦ���լ��ļ��̶����ʡ�


����5����ʦ�����լ��������ʣ�how many fingers? let��s count,ѧ���ͽ�ʦһ������five����������5��ѧϰ�����鲢�̶�����ѧ�����ʒ�������ů������ʦ��ž̶����ʡ� play a game.

����ʦ�����òؿ�ƭ����ϸ��five���в�����һ������ȫ��ѧ������ʦ��five�ĵ��ʿ�ƭ����ѧ��֮�у�ȼ��ʦ��һ��˵1 2 3 4 5 go,ԭ������ȫ��ѧ����ͬѧ����ʼѱ�ҵ��ʿ�ƭ������խ�ӽ���ƭѧ��������five������խ�󣬷�֮������խс������ҿ�ƭ��ѧ��һֱδ���ֿ�ƭ��λ�ã���ʦ�����ָһ����5 4 3 2 1�����ֺõ�ͬѧ���եõ�һ��ͼƭ��

�����������ͼ��ͨ���ؿ�ƭ����ϸ��������ѧ����������fiveͻ���ѵ㣬���ܶ�����1 2 3 4 5���й�����ϰ��ͬʱ����ϸ�����������ֵ�����ʱ��������ʵ�龰�е����á���

����7���μ�����������ɡ����ϸ����˭��ӧ�죬���ȶ������ʡ�ϵͳ�ķ���ѧ�ĵ��ʡ� �������ͼ��ͨ����˭��ӧ�����ϸ��һ�ι���ѧ����������ʵķ������⣬����ѧ���ե��ʵ�ӡ�󡣣�

����step 3 practice








����1����ʦһ���ó�һщ��ʒ���á�how many?��������ѧ����ѧ���ش���һ���������ѧ�����ٵ�ָ������ǽ�ϵ����֣���˭��죬������ʤ�߸��轱���� �������ͼ����ѧ������ϸ�мȸ�ϰ�˾��ͣ�ҳ�����˵��ʡ���

����2��t��now i have some numbers in your desk, please take out.��ѧ������make friends������ϸ����ʦ�򵥽�����ϸ����


����step 4 conclusion

����1��let��s chant


����2��my lucky number







����step 5 homework




����unit six happy birthday

����one twothreefour five



�����˽̰�ӣ�����꼶�ϲ�unit4 where��s my schoolbag period 1





�������ձ������ʣ�ѧϰ̸����ʒ��λ��where is/are����it��s/they��re��




����1. ����ѧ�����õĺ�����ʶ������ѧ���󵨱����լ����뷨����ը��

����2. ͨ��̸����ʒ��λ�ã�����ѧ���������õ�����ϰ�ߡ�


����period 1��unit4�ĵ�һ�σ���ѧ����ͨ�����ѧϰ��α�����ʒ��λ�ã����ܾ���ʒλ�ý������ʡ�










����step 1.organization greetings

����step 2.revision

����1. use a pen to ask and answer between the teacher and the students, and review the key sentences in unit3.

����2. use a picture of a bag to ask students to write a lost notice and a found notice, and review the lost and found notices, then lead to the new words with the picture��1a:p19����hold up the picture and point to the objects : table, bed , bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag , book, key.

����t: what��s this in english

����s: it��s a table/bed/��

����encourage or help students to read the words correctly .write them down on the blackboard.

����3. quick reaction .let the students look at the teaching picture in 1a, finish 1a, then check students�� answers.

����step3. lead in

����show my english book and my two pens, then put them on my desk. ask students to answer the questions: ��where is my english book �� and ��where are my pens �� .

����try to ask more students similar questions��where is your pencil ��


����ask the students to look at some pictures and things in the classroom and practice talking about where things are.

����for example:-where is my clock

����-it��s on the table.

����ask students to work in pairs and make conversations.

����step 4.talking about the picture��1a:p19��

����1. ask the students to practice 1c in pairs.

����2. let the students work in pairs and talk about where the things in the picture are on page19 .

����step 5 listening

����have students to listen to the conversations and number the things.

����check the answers . then ask students to read the conversations after the recording.

����step 6 practice

����ask students to describe their bedrooms.

����for example: my cat is on the chair. my english book is on the sofa .��

����step7 summary

����1.���� where is �������

������ �� ���ģ�

�������� it��s under/ on/ in��


����2. ���� where are �������

������ �����ģ�

��������they��re under/ on/ in��

���������ڡ� ������/����/���档

����step 8.homework

����1.remember the new words in the period ��on page 90 �� by heat.

����2.practice the conversation in the picture on page 19 with your partner.

����3.talk about where things are in your room.


��������unit 4 ,period 1�ľ�ѧч��������ͨ�����¼��㣺










����һ��warm-up time �� ��ǰ������2���ӡ�

����ӣ�������open shut

��������story time ��������չʾ֪ʶ�㡲3���ӡ�

����1�������¡���һ����ʹ angel��ϲ��������զ��������������һ�죬���־�������զ�������� ����

����ͼƭһ��һ�����ϵ�ͼ������ʹ���ֵ�˵��morning ��good morning����ͷц�ŷ�����˵��good morning to you������ҳц��˵��good morning to you ���ϻá�

����ͼƭ������ʹ�ֿ���ŷ����������afternoon �� good afternoon ���ֻ�ͷ������˵��good afternoon to you��������ц��˵��good afternoon to you ����á�

����ͼƭ���������ʹ���ĸ�զ��������evening ��good evening ���ֻ�ͷ����������˵��good evening to you. ����ц��˵��good evening to you ���ϻá�

����2�� ֪ʶ����䣬�������������˵����ʲô�����ʹ����щ���ԡ�


����1�� ָ����ϸ�� what is this ��

����2�� �ж���ϸ��angel ��angel �� what do you see ��

�����ġ�music time ��5���ӡ�

����1�� �����ɶ�

����t : let��s act ��

����good morning to you ����բ��.�������ҳ࣬���

����good afternoon to you ����բ�ķ�����ͷ��

����good evening to you ����բ�ķ�������࣬���

����2�� let ��s chant. �����ŵŵ�����������

����3�� let ��s sing �� �����ŵŵ������������ӡ�


�����������ǽ���angel����զ������ʶ�˺ܶ��ճ����good morning ��good afternoon ��good evening ����������ҳ�����ˣ�����ʦ��˵good �c bye.




����1���ܹ�����˵������д�ĸ����ʵĵ����˳���ʽ��cooks, studies, does, goes.

����2���ܹ�����˵���϶����ӣ�does he live in china? no, he doesn��t. he lives in australia, but he studies chinese.








����step 1: warm-up


����2��let��s chant

����i like riding, i like riding, riding a bike.

����he likes diving, he likes diving, diving, diving, diving.

����she likes playing, she likes playing, playing the violin.

����they like collecting, they like collecting, collecting stamps.

����we like making, we like making, making kites.

����3��ʦ���õ��ʿ�ƭ�����ʴ���ϰ���磺t: what is your hobby? s: i like reading stories. t: does your uncle live in beijing? s: no, he doesn��t. t: where does he live? s: he lives in changsha. t: does your uncle like doing sports? s: yes, he does.

����step2: presentation let��s learn

����i like number 7. what number do you like?

����does she like number 3?

����yes, she does.

����no, she doesn't.

����1����ʦ�ߺ�һλѧ����������ϸ����˵��i do word puzzles.

����what does chen jie do?����ѧ���ش�chen jie does word puzzles, too.��ʦ���鲢�̶�����does����׺es������һ����ɫ�ʱ����������ԭ��doд��һ�ԡ� t: how do you go to school? s: i go to school on foot. t: does your father go to work on foot? s: no, he doesn��t. t: how does he go to work? s: he goes to work by bus.

����2����ʦ����ѧ���ش�he goes to work by bus����ʦ���鲢�̶�����goes����׺es������һ����ɫ�ʱ����������ԭ��goд��һ�ԡ���ʦָ��ѧ��ƴд���ʡ�����ѧ���ƚ϶���ԭ�κ͵����˳ƶ�����ʽ��������������ʽ����ա����ӡ����ѧ���ڱƚ��������ա��磺i go to work by bike. he goes to work by bike.

����3����ʦ��ʾ���й��˵�ͼƭ˵��look! chen jie��s pen pal cooks chinese food for he,ȼ����鲢�̶�����cooks����׺s����һ����ɫ�ʱ����������ԭ��cookд��һ�ԡ�

����4����ʦ����ӣ�����ʣ�do you like studying english?ѧ���ش�yes, we do.��ʦ˵��john��s pen pal studies chinese.��ʦ���鲢�̶�����studies����׺ies������һ����ɫ�ʱ����������ԭ��studyд��һ�ԡ�






����b.��s��x��ch��sh��o��β�ķ��ʣ��ں����es����watch��watches, teach��teaches��





����7����ʦ����let��s learn���ֵ�¼����ѧ��������



����step 3��practice listen, match and say

����1����ʦ��ѧ���ȿ�ͼ����ǧ����ͼ�ա߱�����ӧ�������ͷ��ʴ��飬ȼ�󲥷�listen, match and say���ֵ�¼����ѧ������¼��ƥ��������ͷ��ʶ����ʦ�ٴβ���¼���˶դ𰸡�������¼��ѧ��������ȼ��ѧ���ʹ������ϰ�ի�����󣬽�ʦ��ѧ�����������ͷ��ʶ���������ݶի�����ʦ��ѧ����д����磺she��by, goes��bus��work��to��ȼ��ѧ��������������ϳɾ��ӣ��磺she goes to work by bus.


����step 4: consolidation and extension








����get up.

����go to school.

����go home.

����go to bed.

����2�� ����������˵�������ָ�������������ʵ�ľ��ʳ�������ȼ���á�


����see you.

����good night.




����get up.

����go to school.

����go home.

����go to bed.

����2�� ����������˵�������ָ�������������ʵ��.���ʳ�������ȼ���á�


����see you.

����good night.



����step 1 listen to a song

����t��let��s listen to a song: goodbye.


����step 2 presentation

����t��today, we will learn unit 4 goodbye

����please look at the picture. pay attention to the clocks. what time are they?

����picture 1:

����what time is it?(��ʾʱ�ӵ�ͼƭ)

����it��s six fifteen.

����what should you do at this time?

����please listen to the tape. what are they saying?

����s��listen and learn to say:

����1)get up.

����all right.

����2)go to school.


����3)go home.

����see you.

����4)go to bed.

����good night.

����step 3 consolidation games

����game 1: look, guess and say

����game 2: magic ears

����game 3: learn to sing a song: goodbye.

����step 4 listen and read

����t��let��s listen to the tape and learn to say the dialogue.

����ss��listen and learn to say.

����1)read after the tape.

����2)read after the teacher.

����3)read together.

����4)free read or read in pairs.

����t��let��s act the dialogue.

����step 5 assign homework

����1) listen to the tape-recorder and imitate for five times.

����2) recite: a learn to say

����3))prepare: b look and learn (draw a room)


����unit 4 goodbye

����6:15 get up. all right.

����7:10 go to school. goodbye.

����4:30 go home.see you.

����9:10 go to bed. good night.



����1)����������˵���°˸��ҿ��൥��a desk, a chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge��

����2)����������˵here��s a �� ���͡�


����1)����������˵���°˸��ҿ��൥��a desk, a chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge��

����2)����������˵here��s a �� ���͡�



����step 1 revision

����t��let��s review the text.


����1)read the text together.

����2)group work.

����3)pair work.

����4)practice between t and ss.


����1)magic ears.

����2)listen and do

����3) have a competition.

����step 2 presentation

����please look at the pictures (cards), which things do you know? please point to it and say it out

����ss��learn to say the new words:

����a desk, a chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone, a bookcase, a fridge

����game: listen to the music and pass the cards.

����say out the words.

����t��please look at the picture and find the things.










