��ҫͷ�� ͷ�߽���


ʱ�䣺2024-05-28 08:11:35 ����� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�





����1. some of the stories(����) were mildly amusing(��ȥ��).

����a) slightly(��΢) b) hardly(������)

����c) faintly(ģ���أ�������) d) sufficiently(��ֵ�)

��������.a.mildly�ļ�������ϊ���º͵أ� ��΢����mildly�ھ�������amusing(��ȥ��)�����mildly�ھ��еĵ���ϊ����΢���� ���a�ǵ𰸡�

����mildly �c gently �º͵�

����mildly �c slightly �c a little - somewhat��΢��

����hardly �c rarely �c scarcely - seldom ������

����faintly �c dimly ΢����

����amusing �c funny �c interesting ��ȥ��

����sufficiently �c adequately - enough ��ֵ�

����precise �c accurate �c exact ��ȷ��

����polish �c shine ����

����elementary �c primary �����ģ�������

����change �c alter �c modify �c adapt - adjust �ı�

����be adapted to �c be accustomed �c be used to��ӧ�ˡ�, ϰ���ˡ�

����2. the advertising(���ģ� ���) company(��˾) was surprised(�е����ȵ�) by the adverse public(���ڵ�) reaction to (��...�ķ�ӳ)the poster(����).

����a)delayed(�ӳٵ�`) b)quick(��ģ� ���ݵģ� ���õ�)

����c) positive (�϶��ģ������ģ� ���ե�) d) unfavorable(��˳���ģ� �෴�ģ����˲�����)

����������d. adverse�ĵ���ϵ�һ�� ���������ϊ���жեģ� �෴�ġ��� ���d�ǵ𰸡�


���������---vocal, oral, spoken, colloquial







������:the snake is not a vocal creature.


����he was very vocal in his objections.


����let's have oral practice.


����you had an oral examination, didn't you?


����this word is used in spoken language.


����she is a soft-spoken woman.


����this is a colloquial expression.


����he studies english colloquial style.


���������---view, scenery, scene, sight





������:there is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window.


����it was our first view of the ocean.


����the scenery of this country is unparalleled.


����the train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery.


����the boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.


����the scene of sunset was very beautiful.


����we will go and see the sights of new york.


����the imperial palace is one of the sights of china.




����little,no,some, �����ρ�

����i have read all the book (that) you gave me.

����4)���дʱ� the only, the very, the same, the last ����ʱ��

����he is the only person that i want to talk to.

����5)���дʼ�����������ʱ��they talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.


����this is the house where he lived last year.

����this is the house that (which) he visited last year.

������no sooner��than��hardly��when�����ĵӿ��ʾ���ա����͡������������еķ���һ���ù�ȥ���ʱ,�ӿ��ù�ȥʱ;��������һ�㵹װ,��������had�ᵽǰ�档���磺hardly had i entered the room when i heard a loud noise.

��������������ʱ,��ν���򲻱䡣here it is. here he comes.


����south of the city lies a big steel factory.

����from the valley came a frightening sound.

�����������ھ���ʱ,��װ�ṹϊ������ ��ϵ���� �����

����present at the meeting were professor white,professor smith and many other guests.

����gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the chinese people.

����among the goods are christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.

����he has been to beijing. so have i.

����li wei can��t answer the question. neither can i.


��������ʡ��if����������״��ӿ䡣had you reviewed your lessons,you might have passed the examination.

����3.���ڡ����ݴ�(�����ʡ�����) as(though)�������ò�״��ӿ��с����磺pretty as she is ,she is not clever.

����try as he would, he might fail again.


����child as he was, he had to make a living.

��������no sooner��than��,hardly��when��not until�ľ����с�not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.

��������never,hardly,seldom,scarcely, barely, little,often,at no time,not only,not once�ȴʿ�ͷ�ľ��ӡ�

����never shall i do this again.

����little did he know who the woman was.

����6.������only��ͷ�ľ���(only���θ���,��ʶ����״��ӿ�ʱ)��only this afternoon did i finish the novel.

����only in this way can you master english.

����only when he told me did i realize what trouble he was in.


����only wang ling knows this.

��������ijщ��ʾףը�ľ��ӡ�may you succeed!ף��ɹ�!

����stomach��stomachs��a german��three germans,

����an american��two americans��man cook - men cooks;

����papers ��ֽ, �ļ� manners��ò drinks����

����in a word ����֮?in other words ���仰˵

����have words with ��ij�˳���

����have a few words (a word) with sb.��ij��˵���仰

����the crowd were running for their lives��



����agglomerate v.���ۣ���� | clot n.���飬v.ʹ���ɿ� | coagulate v.���ᣬʹ����

����coagulant n.����� | cohesive adj.���۵ģ������ | congeal v.���ᣬ���� | curd n.����

����curdle v.ʹ���ᣬ��� | gore n.��ѫ��ѫ�� | coacervate v ����?

����concretion n ����(��)����ʯ������ | accumulate v.���ۣ����� | aggregation n.�ۼ����ܺ�

����amass v.���� | conglomerate v.���ۣ����� | congregate v.�ۼ�������

����converge v.��ۣ�������һ�� | herd n.��ⱥ��v.�ۼ������� | muster v.�ټ����ۼ�

����group v �ۺ�,��ⱥ


����contract n.��լ����ͬ | covenant n.��լ��v.���鱣֤

����deed n.��ϊ��(���ػ������)��լ��֤�� | indenture n.��լ����ͬ

����muniments n.���ݣ����� | bond n ���,ծȯ,��լv ��� | concord n.��������լ

����pact n.э������լ | treaty n ��լ,̸�� | compact n.��ͬ��э�� | agreement n.һ�£�э��

����protocol n.�⽻���,э��


����flabby adj.(����)�����ģ���־������ | flaccid adj.�ɳ۵ģ�������

����flaggy adj.��ή�ģ����������� | floppy adj.�����ģ�˥����

����limber adj.(����)�����ģ������� | limp v.���� adj.�����ģ�������

����lissom adj.��̬���ŵģ������� | lithe adj.�����ģ���������` | pliable adj.�����,������

����velvety adj �����⻬�ģ�ˬ�ڵ�? | suppleness n ������,����,˳�� | ductility n��չ��,������,����



����grate v.ĥ�飬ʹ�˷��� | fantod n ������� | fidget v.�������� n.����֮��

����fidgety adj.����ģ�������. | fret v.n.(ʹ)���꣬���� | fretful adj.�����

����dysphoria n ���겻�� | upset v �߸�,�ʒ�,ʹ�ķ� | inquietude n.���ǣ�����

����qualm n.�ɾ壬���ų��� | restive adj.�������ģ��������� | uptight adj.���dz����ģ����ŵ�

����tenterhooks n �������� | uneasiness n ������,����,�ִ� | catatonic adj ����֢��

����overwrought adj.���ź��ȵģ��˷ܹ��ȵ� | hypertension n ��ѫѹ,���ƚ���


����alteration n.�ı䣬��� | capricious adj.�仯�޳��ģ����ե� | diversity n.�������仯��ǧ

����flux n.��ǩ�����ϵı仯 | vicissitudes n.(������)ʢ˥����ǩ

����inconstant adj.���ģ��޳��� | kaleidoscopic adj.ǧ���򻯵� | malleable adj.���ܵģ��׸ı��

����mercurial adj.�ʊ�ģ����õ� | variability n.�仯�ԣ��仯�޳�

����checkered adj ��������;���ڱ仯��,�ม����` | labile a ��������,�׷����仯��

����quirky a ����,�����޳���,���ե� | protean a ǧ���򻯵�,�仯������

����erratic adj.�����޳��� �źֵ� | volatile adj.�����޳��ģ��ӷ��ե� | fitified adj �����޳���?

����flighty adj �ḡ�ģ������޳���? | temperamental adj.����ģ�ϲŭ�޳���

����fickle adj.(�����������)�ױ�ģ����ᶨ�� | whimsical adj.�źֵģ������쿪��

����whimsy n.�ź֣������쿪 | whim n.��䣬����ͷ






������:they jumped for joy when they heard the news.


����it is dangerous to jump off a moving train.


����they leaped lightly over the stream.


����the young deer were leaping about in the meadow.


����girls like to skip rope.


����lamps like to skip across the meadow.


����a boy sprang from his seat.


����he sprang out of bed when the alarm went off.


����journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, travel, voyage









����voyage(n.)---�����с�����ָ����ϳ��ĺ�������, ҳ��ָ̫�����с�

������:at first i was afraid the long journey would be too much for her.


����i wish you a good journey.


����the family made a weekend excursion to a camp ground.


����the whole excursion took ten hours.


����my brother was once a member of the mount everest expedition.


����our country has sent several parties of people on an expedition to



����we went on a guided tour of italy that included stops at

����milan,venice,florence and rome.

���������ڵ��εĵ����������������, ��������,����˹,����������������

����they are now making a bridal tour.


����i go to work by train, and the trip takes 40 minutes.

�����������ϰ�, ·�ϻ�40���ӡ�

����i can't afford a trip to europe.


����this trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm.

������ϊ����ѩ, ����ȡ���ˡ�

����the travels of marco polo is one of the most interesting books that

����i have ever read.


����is he back from his travels yet?


����he made a long ocean voyage to africa.


����we made a rough voyage from london to australia.


����jail, prison





������:they have birdsong in jail.


����the court committed a prisoner to jail.


����the thief was sent to prison for a year.


����he came out of prison.


����utter, express, ronounce




������:she uttered a scream of terror when she saw a snake.

������������һ����ʱ, ������һ�����µļ�с�

����the old man uttered a sigh in the dark room.


����it can not be expressed by words.


����can you express yourself in english?


����my baby can pronounce this word without any difficulty.


����i now pronounce judgement on the issue.




����little,no,some, �����ρ�

����i have read all the book (that) you gave me.

����4)���дʱ� the only, the very, the same, the last ����ʱ��

����he is the only person that i want to talk to.

����5)���дʼ�����������ʱ��they talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.


����this is the house where he lived last year.

����this is the house that (which) he visited last year.

������no sooner��than��hardly��when�����ĵӿ��ʾ���ա����͡������������еķ���һ���ù�ȥ���ʱ,�ӿ��ù�ȥʱ;��������һ�㵹װ,��������had�ᵽǰ�档���磺hardly had i entered the room when i heard a loud noise.

��������������ʱ,��ν���򲻱䡣here it is. here he comes.


����from the valley came a frightening sound.

�����������ھ���ʱ,��װ�ṹϊ������ ��ϵ���� �����

����present at the meeting were professor white,professor smith and many other guests.

����gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the chinese people.

����among the goods are christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.

����he has been to beijing. so have i.

����li wei can��t answer the question. neither can i.


��������ʡ��if����������״��ӿ䡣had you reviewed your lessons,you might have passed the examination.

����3.���ڡ����ݴ�(�����ʡ�����) as(though)�������ò�״��ӿ��с����磺pretty as she is ,she is not clever.

����try as he would, he might fail again.


����child as he was, he had to make a living.

��������no sooner��than��,hardly��when��not until�ľ����с�not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.

��������never,hardly,seldom,scarcely, barely, little,often,at no time,not only,not once�ȴʿ�ͷ�ľ��ӡ�

����never shall i do this again.

����little did he know who the woman was.

����6.������only��ͷ�ľ���(only���θ���,��ʶ����״��ӿ�ʱ)��only this afternoon did i finish the novel.

����only in this way can you master english.

����only when he told me did i realize what trouble he was in.


����only wang ling knows this.

��������ijщ��ʾףը�ľ��ӡ�may you succeed!ף��ɹ�!

����stomach��stomachs��a german��three germans,

����an american��two americans��man cook - men cooks;

����papers ��ֽ, �ļ� manners��ò drinks����

����in a word ����֮?in other words ���仰˵

����have words with ��ij�˳���

����have a few words (a word) with sb.��ij��˵���仰

����the crowd were running for their lives��

����ijщ��������, ��people, police, cattle��, ֻ����������, ν�ﶯ�ʱ����ø�����the police are searching for him.



����d that she (should) stay in bed for a few days.

����he demanded that we (should) start right away.

������advice,idea,order,demand,plan,proposal,suggestion,request�����ʵı���ӿ��ͬλ��ӿ�,��ν�ﶯ��ҫ�����������ľṹ��(should)������ԭ�ρ������磺we all agreed to his suggestion that we(should) go to beijing for sightseeing.

����my idea is that we (should) do exercises first.

������feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch, have, let, make�ȴʺ�ij�������,����ʽ����to��������щ���������ɱ����ṹʱ,�ͱ����to�����磺i often hear him sing the song.

����he is often heard to sing the song.

����ע�⣺����ʽ�����ڽ��but, except, besides����ʱ,�����щ���֮ǰ����ϊ����do�ĸ�����ʽ,��ô,��щ��ʺ�ij���ʽ����to,����ҫ��to.�磺

����she could do nothing but cry.

����what do you like to do besides swim?

����i have no choice but to go.

����������ij���ʽ����dz����ﶯ��,���߲���ʽ�����ε����ʻ�����dz���ʽ�����ĵص㡢���ߵ�,����ʽ����������ӧ�ľ�ʡ����磺he is looking for a room to live in.

����there is nothing to worry about.

����please give me a knife to cut with.

����there / it is no use/ good/ not any use/ good/ useless doing sth.


����admit,appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, include, keep, mention,mind,miss,practise, put off, resist, risk, suggest, can��t help, can��t stand(�޷�����)�ȡ�

����i tried not to go there.(���跨��ȥ���)

����i tried doing it again.(�������ָ���һ�ρ�)]

����mean to do ����... mean doing���...

����i mean to come early today.(�ҵ��������щ����)

����missing the train means waiting for another hour.


����allow, advise, forbid, permit

����we don��t allow smoking here. we don��t allow students to smoke.


����the window needs(requires, wants)cleaning(to be cleaned).

�����ڶ���devote to, look forward to, pay attention to, stick to, be used to, object to,thank you for, excuse me for �ⱥ�ķ���ҳ�����ö�������ʽ��i look forward to hearing from you soon.

����badly polluted, the water cannot be drunk.(ԭ��)

����being written in haste, the composition is full of mistakes.


����having been deserted by his guide, he couldn��t find his way through the jungle.(ϊ��ǿ������ɵķ���)

����asked to stay, i couldn��t very well refuse.

�������� asked ������ζ�� having been asked, ҳ������ζ��when/since i was asked, ������ having been asked �ͳ��������塣


����covered with confusion, i left the room.�һܾ����뿪�˷��䡣

����united, we stand; divided, we fall. �ž���棬����������

����he used to live in london, use(d)n��t he /didn��t he?

����there used to be a cinema here before the war, use(d)n��t there /didn��t there?

����such things ought not to be allowed, ought they?

����he ought to be punished, oughtn��t he?

����������ʽ������,��ought we not��ʽ������:

����we ought to go, ought we not?��we ought to go ,should we not?

����������̬����must�ľ��ӱ�ʾ����,������ء���ʱ,���ʲ��ֲ�����mustn��t����ǰ��ǿ��������������ʋ�,���ʲ�����aren��t(isn��t)ʮ����,���磺you must be tired,aren��t you?���������ֵ�must��ʾ���б�ҫ��ʱ,�������ʾ䲿������needn��t�����磺you must go home right now, needn��t you?

������mustn��t ��ʾ��ֹʱ,�������ʲ���һ����must���磺

����you mustn��t walk on grass, must you?

����ǰ��ν�ﶯ����must have����ȥ�ִ�ʱ,��ǰ��ǿ���թ�ȥ������ʋ�(һ���й�ȥʱ��״��),���ʲ��ֵ�ν�ﶯ����didn��t������;��ǰ��ǿ�����������,���ʲ��ֵ�ν�ﶯ����haven��t(hasn��t)������, ���磺

����he must have met her yesterday, didn��t he?

����you must have seen the film, haven��t you?

����������ν�ﲿ�ֳ��ַ񶨴�׺ʱ(ǰ׺���׺),���ʲ������÷񶨽ṹ������:he is unfit for his office, isn��t he?

��������������ְ�����no, never, hardly, seldom, few, little,nowhere, nothing�ȷ񶨻��񶨴�ʱ,���ʲ����ÿ϶���ʽ�����磺he is hardly 14 years old,is he?

��������������ֵ�����ϊeveryone,someone,no one�ȳ�������,�����ʲ��ֵ��������he,ҳ����they��

����everyone knows his job, doesn��t he?

����everyone knows their job,don��t they?

����no one was hurt,were they?

����i��m late, aren��t i?

����one can��t be too careful,can one(you)?

����have a cup of tea, will you?

����let��s go there,shall we? let us go there,will you?

����ͬλ��ӿ�������ʺ���,��һ��˵�������ʵľ������ݡ�����ͬλ��ӿ��������ҫ��fact, news, promise, idea, truth�ȡ����ӵ���that (����which)�����ӹ���how, when, where, why�ȡ����磺

����his delay is due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway.

����the news that our team has won the match is true.

����she asked the reason why there was a delay.



����the question is whether the film is worth seeing.

����the news whether our team has won the match is unknown.


����whether we shall attend the meeting hasn��t been decided yet.

����it hasn��t been decided whether(if)we shall attend the meeting.


����it all depends (on) whether they will support us.


����he doesn��t know whether to stay or not.

����e)�������or not ʱ��

����we didn��t know whether or not she was ready.


����whether you like it or not, you must do it well.

����g)��if����������ʱ�����磺please let me know if you like it.




����1)���д��dz������ʣ�all,few,little, much,something,nothing,anything�ȡ�all that we have to do is to practise every day.


����the first lesson that i learned will never be forgotten.

����3)���дʱ�all,any,every, each, few,




����five minutes is enough to do this exercise��

����each boy and each girl wants to serve the people in future��

����more than one student has seen the film.

����many a ship has been damaged in the storm.

����more members than one are against your plan.

����һщ���������ֹ��ɵ����ʱ�ʾ����򹤾�������ʱ, ν��ͨ���ø�����ʽ��glasses, clothes, trousers, shoes, compasses, chopsticks, scissors�ȡ�

���������������a kind of , a pair of , a series of�ȼ����ʹ���ʱ, ν�ﶯ��һ���õ�����ʽ��a pair of shoes was on the desk��

���������������ָ����ͬһ���ˡ�ͬһ�����ͬһ����ʱ, ν�ﶯ���õ�����ʽ, ��ʱand���������û�йڴʡ�����:

����truth and honesty is the best policy��

����the girl��s teacher and friend is a young doctor��

����to love and to be loved is the great happiness.

����going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.

����a knife and fork is on the table.

����������������as well as, as much as , no less than, along with, with, like, rather than, together with, but, except, besides, including, in addition to�������ĵ���ʱ, ��ν�ﶯ�ʵĵ�������������ĵ�����������������:

����the teacher as well as the students was excited��

����the room with its furniture was rented��

����a (great) number of���ο�����������, ν�ﶯ���ø���; a great deal of,a large amount of ���β���������, �����������ʱ, ν�ﶯ���õ�����

������ϵ����who, that, which���ڶ���ӿ���������ʱ, ��ν�ﶯ�ʵ���ӧ��������дʵ���һ�¡�����:

����those who want to go please sign your names here��

����some of the energy that is used by man comes from the sun��


����1/2 one(a) half 1/4 one(a) quarter


����ϵ����be��grow��get��become��feel��appear��prove��seem��look��keep��smell��taste��sound��turn��remain�޶��� �������ݴ�(��������ǰ���������ں�) ��״���ݴ� ��с�����̡��ߵ͵����� �¾� ��ɫ ���� ����

����those three beautiful large square old brown wood table

����ijщ��a-���׵����ݴ����磺afraid��alike��alone��asleep��awake, alive ��ֻ��������,���������

����ijщ��-ly��β�ĵ������ݴʶ����ǹ��ʣ�friendly��lively�� lovely��lonely��likely��deadly��silly��orderly, timely�ȡ�

����1)close�ӽ��� closely��ϸ�أ����е�

����2)free ��ѵ� freely���ɵ�,�޾�����

����3)hardŭ���� hardly������

����4)late ������ lately ����

����5)most ��,�dz� mostly��ҫ��

����6)wide�����أ���ֵ� widely�㷺��

����7)high�� highly�߶ȵأ��dz���

����8)deep��� deeply��������ġ��

����9)loud������ loudly������(�������ֵ���˼)

����10)near�ڽ� nearly����

����bad/ill,badly worse worst little less least

������ʾһ��������һ��ʱ���á�less��ԭ����than���ľṹ��ʾ��this room is less beautiful than that one��

������ʾһ��������һ����.�̶ȼ�����ʱ�����ڱƚϼ�ǰ�ӱ�ʾ�̶ȵ�״��磺even��a lot��a bit��a little��still��much��far, yet, by far�����σ�he works even harder than before��

����ע��:by far ͨ������ǿ����߼������ڱƚϼ�ʱ,һ����ڱƚϼ��ĺ���, �����ǰ��,ӧ�ڶ����м�ӡ�the����

����he is taller by far than his brother.

����he is by far the taller of the two brothers.


����he is superior to mr wang in mathematics��


����the book on the table is more interesting than that on the desk��

����a box made of iron is stronger than one made of wood��


����a is three (four,etc.) times the size (height, length, width,etc) of b.

����the new building is four times the size (the height) of the old one.


����a is three (four, etc.) times as big (high, long, wide, etc.) as b.

����asia is four times as large as europe.������ŷ�޵��ı���

����a is three (four,etc.) times bigger (higher, longer, wider) than b.

��������:your school is three times bigger than ours.


������ʾ���������� twice �� double��



����i��ve had so many falls that i��m black and blue all over.

����mr white got so little money a month that he could hardly keep body and soul together.


����they are such little children that the they cannot clean the house by themselves.


������very, pretty, not����nearly, ����almost�����磺

����i��m not nearly ready.

������any, no, none, neverǰ��almost, ����nearly�����磺

����i almost never see her.

����need ��ʾ����ҫ���򡰱��롱,����̬����ʱ,�����ڷ񶨾�����ʾ��с��ڿ϶�����һ����must, have to, ought to��should ���档���磺

����you needn��t come so early.

����need i finish the work today? ����yes, you must.

����ע�⣺needn��t have done����ʾ����������ij�¶�ʵ��������ij�¡������磺you needn��t have waited for me.

������should have done����ʾӧ��������ʵ����û��������

����you should have started earlier.

������ought to have done����ʾ��ȥӧ��ij�¶�ʵ��δ����

����you ought to have helped him (but you didn��t)


������ʾ�о�,ը����״̬��ijщ������have, be, hear, see, like�ȴ�һ�㲻�ý���ʱ��

������щ������ʽ���������ṹ,����ʾ��������˼���������пɺ� well, easily �ȸ������õij����ﶯ��sell,wash,write,read,clean,cook�ȡ����磺

����the cloth washes well.�ⲽ�ܾ�θ��

����the new product sells well.���²�ʒ�ܳ�����

����the pen writes well.��֧�ʺܺ�д��

�����ڶ��� arrange,command, demand, desire,insist, order,propose, request, require, suggest�ⱥ���ı���ӿ����á�(should)�� ����ԭ�ρ�(��������)���磺

����we suggested that we (should) have a meeting.

����we insisted that they (should) go with us.

����the doctor ordere




����1.alter v. �ı�,�ķ�,���

����2.burst vi.n. ͻȼ����,����

����3.dispose vi. ����;����;���;����(of)

����4.blast n. ��ը;���� vi. ը,ը��

����5.consume v. ����,�ľ�

����6.split v. ����;����;���� a.�ѿ���

����7.spit v. ��(��һ��);����

����8.spill v. ���,����,����

����9.slip v. ����,����;����

����10.slide v. ����,���� n. ����;�õ�ƭ

����11.bacteria n. ϸ��

����12.breed n. ��,ʒ�� v. ��ֳ,����

����13.budget n. Ԥ�� v. ��Ԥ��,������

����14.candidate n. ��ѡ��

����15.campus n. у԰

����16.liberal a. ������;�ḻ��;���ɵ�

����17.transform v. ת��,���;�任

����18.transmit v. ����,����;����

����19.transplant v. ��ֲ

����20.transport vt. ���� n. ����,���乤��

����21.shift v. ת��;ת��;ת��

����22.vary v. �仯,�ı�;ʹ������

����23.vanish vi. ����,����

����24.swallow v. ����,���� n. ����

����25.suspicion n. ����,����

����26.suspicious a. ���ɵ�,���ɵ�

����27.mild a. ��ů��,ů�͵�;�����,ζ����

����28.tender a. �����;������

����29.nuisance n. ����,����(���˻�����)

����30.insignificant a. �������,�������ص�

����31.accelerate vt. ����,�ٽ�

����32.absolute a. ���ե�,��������;��ȫ��

����33.boundary n. �ֽ���,�߽�

����34.brake n. ɲ��,�ƶ��� v. ɲס(��)

����35.catalog n. ŀ¼(��) v. ��ŀ

����36.vague a. ģ����,����ȷ��

����37.vain n. ͽ��,�׷�

����38.extinct a. �����,ϩ���

����39.extraordinary a. ��ƽ����,�ر��,

����40.extreme a. ���ȵ�,���˵� n. ����,����

����41.agent n. ������,������;����,ԭ��

����42.alcohol n. ���ƾ�������,�ƾ�

����43.appeal n./vi. ����,����

����44.appreciate vt. ����,��ʶ,����

����45.approve v. �޳�,ͬ��,��׼

����46.stimulate vt. �̼�,����

����47.acquire vt. ȡ��,���;ѧ��

����48.accomplish vt .���,����;ʵ��

����49.network n. ��״��;������;����

����50.tide n. ��ϫ;����

����51.tidy a. �����,�����

����52.trace vt. ׷��,�ҵ� n. �ۼ�,�ټ�

����53.torture n./vt. ����,��ĥ

����54.wander vi. ����,�й�

����55.wax n. ��

����56.weave v. ֯,��

����57.preserve v. ����,����,����,��

����61. abuse v. ����,ű��;á��

����62. academic a. ѧ����;;�о�ժ��

����63. academy n. (�ߵ�)ר��ժу;ѧ��

����64. battery n. ���(��)

����65. barrier n. �ϰ�;����

����66. cargo n. (�����ɻ���װ�ص�)����

����67. career n. ����,ְҵ

����68. vessel n. ����;����,����;ѫ��

����69. vertical a. ��ֱ��

����70. oblige v. ��ʹ,���;ʹ�м�

����71. obscure a. ����,ģ��

����72. extent n. �̶�,��χ,��с,�޶�

����73. exterior n. �ⲿ,��� a. �ⲿ��,�����

����74. external a. �ⲿ��,�����,�����

����75. petrol n. ����

����76. petroleum n. ʯ��

����77. delay vt./n. �ƴ�,����,����

����78. decay vi. ����,����

����79. decent a. ������,�����

����80. route n. ·;·��;����

����81. ruin v. �ٻ�,�ƻ� n. ����,[pl.]����

����82. sake n. ե��,����

����83. satellite n. ����

����84. scale n. ��с,��ģ;�ȼ�;�̶�

����85. temple n. ����

����86. tedious a. ���,������,

����87. tend vi.����,����

����88. tendency n.����,����

����89. ultimate a. ����,���յ� n. ����

����90. undergo v. ����,����

����91. abundant a. �ḻ��,��ԣ��,������

����92. adopt v. ����;����;����

����93. adapt vi. ��ӧ,�ı�,��д vt. ʹ��ӧ

����94. bachelor n. ѧʿ,ѧʿѧλ;������

����95. casual a. żȼ��,;��ʱ��;����ʽ��

����96. trap n. ����,ȧ�� v. �����岶׽

����97. vacant a. �յ�,δռ�õ�

����98. vacuum n. ���,���������

����99. oral a. ��ͷ��,������,�ڵ�

����100. optics n. (��������ͬ��)��ѧ



����101. organ n. ����,����

����102. excess n. ����,����,��ʣ

����103. expel v. ����,����,�ϳ�

����104. expend v. ����

����105. expenditure n. ֧��,����;����

����106. expense n. ����,����

����107. expensive a. ��ǯ���;�۸�߹��

����108. expand v. ����,����;չ��,����

����109. expansion n. ����,����;��չ,����

����110. private a. ˽�˵�,���˵�

����111. individual a. �����,������ n. ����,����

����112. personal a. ���˵�,˽�˵�;���ե�

����114. personnel [�ܳ�]��աա�����²���

����115. the pacific ocean ̫ƽ��

����116. the atlantic ocean ������

����117. the arctic ocean ������

����118. the antarctic ocean �ϱ���

����119. grant vt. ����,ͬ��,׼��

����119. grand a. ��ΰ��,׳����,�ش��

����120. invade v. ����,����,��ϯ

����121. acid n. ��,�������� a. ���;��̵�

����122. acknowledge v. ����;��л

����123. balcony n. ��̨

����124. calculate vt. ����,����

����125. calendar n. ����,����

����126. optimistic a. �ֹ�

����127. optional a. ������ѡ��,��ǿ�ƶ�

����128. outstanding a. �ܳ���,ͻ����,���ŵ�

����129. export n. ����(��) v. ����,���

����130. import n. ����(��) v. ����,����

����131. impose vt. ��...��ǿ(on);����,����

����132. religion n. �ڽ�,�ڽ�����

����133. religious a. �ڽ̵�

����134. victim n. ����ʒ,�ܺ���

����135. video n. ����,��ƶ a. ���ӵ�,¼���

����136. videotape n. ¼��ŵ�

����v. ��...¼��¼�����

����137. offend v. ð��,����

����138. bother v. ���,�鷳

����139. interfere v. ����,����,����

����140. internal a. �ڲ���,���ڵ�

����141. beforehand ad. Ԥ��,����

����142. racial a. ���ֵ������

����143. radiation n. ������,����

����144. radical a.������;������

����145. range n. ����,��χ

����v. (��ij��χ��)�䶯

����146. wonder n. ����,�漣

����v. ��֪��,��...�е��ɻ�

����147. isolate vt. ʹ����,ʹ����

����148. issue n. ����,���۵�;


����149. hollow a. �յ�,�пյ�,�����

����150. hook n. �� vt. ��ס

����151. adequate a. �ʵ���;�㹻

����152. adhere vi. ճ��,����;����,���

����153. ban vt. ȡ��,��ֹ

����154. capture vt. ��²,����

����155. valid a. ��ч��,�и��ݵ�;������

����156. valley n. ɽ��,ͽ��

����157. consistent a. ��̶� һ�µ�

����158. continuous a. ������,����(����)

����159. continual a. ���ϵ�,ƶ����

����160. explode v. ��ը;����;����

����161. exploit v. ����;����,����

����162. explore v. ��̽

����163. explosion n. ��ը;����;����

����164. explosive a. ��ը��;�����������۵�

����165. remote a. ңզ��,ƫƨ��

����166. removal n. ��ȥ,����

����167. render vt. ʹ��,��ʹ

����167. render vt.�ʵ�, �黹, ��ɫ, �㱨, ��ʹ, ����, ����, ʵʩvi.���貹��n.����, ��ˢ, ���

����168. precaution n. Ԥ��,����,����

����169. idle a. ��ɢ��,�������µ�

����170. identify vt. �ϳ�,����

����171. identify n. ����;����,����

����172. poverty n. ƶ��

����173. resistant a. (to)�ֿ���,


����174. resolve vt. ���;����,����

����175. barrel n. ͱ

����176. bargain n. ���˻� vi. �ּۻ���

����177. coarse a. �ֵ�,�ֲڵ�,���ӵ�

����178. coach n. ����;��;��������

����179. code n. ׼��,����,����

����180. coil n. ��ȧ v. ��,����

����181. adult n. ������

����182. advertise v. ϊ...�����

����183. advertisement n. ���

����184. agency n. ������,������

����185. focus v. (ʹ)�ۼ�

����n. ����,����,�۽�

����186. forbid vt. ����,��ֹ

����187. debate n./v. ����,����

����188. debt n. ƿծ

����189. decade n. ʮ��

����190. enclose vt. χס;��...װ���ŷ�

����191. encounter vt./n. ����,�⵽

����192. globe n. ����,����;������

����193. global a. ȫ���;�ܵ�

����194. scan vt. ϸ��;ɨ��;���

����195. scandal n. ����,����

����196. significance n. ����;��ҫ��

����197. subsequent a. ����,������

����198. virtue n. ����,�ŵ�

����199. virtual a. ʵ���ϵ�,��ʵ�ϵ�

����200. orient vt. ʹ��ӧ

����(to,toward)ʹ���� n. ����


����encourage ? urge ? inspire ? spur ����

����(b���ѷ�)7. some of the stories(����) were mildly amusing(��ȥ��).

����a) slightly(��΢) b) hardly(������)

����c) faintly(ģ���أ�������) d) sufficiently(��ֵ�)

����7.a.mildly�ļ�������ϊ���º͵أ� ��΢����mildly�ھ�������amusing(��ȥ��)

�������mildly�ھ��еĵ���ϊ����΢���� ���a�ǵ𰸡�

����mildly ? gently �º͵�

����mildly ? slightly ? a little - somewhat��΢��

����hardly ? rarely ? scarcely - seldom ������

����faintly ? dimly ΢����

����amusing ? funny ? interesting ��ȥ��

����sufficiently ? adequately - enough ��ֵ�

����precise ? accurate ? exact ��ȷ��.

����polish ? shine ����

����elementary ? primary �����ģ�������

����change ? alter ? modify ? adapt - adjust �ı�

����be adapted to ? be accustomed ? be used to��ӧ�ˡ�, ϰ���ˡ�

����5. (a ���ѷ�) the advertising(���ģ� ���) company(��˾) was surprised(�е����ȵ�) by the adverse public(���ڵ�) reaction to (��...�ķ�ӳ)the poster(����).

����a)delayed(�ӳٵ�) b) quick(��ģ� ���ݵģ� ���õ�)

����c) positive (�϶��ģ������ģ� ���ե�) d) unfavorable(��˳���ģ� �෴�ģ����˲�����)

����5.d. adverse�ĵ���ϵ�һ�� ���������ϊ���жեģ� �෴�ġ��� ���d�ǵ𰸡�


����1. ability n. ���������죬����to do sth.

����capability n. ���ܣ������ԣ����� to do/of doing sth.

����capacity n. ������dz�ܣ�����to do/for doing sth.

����2. able adj. �ܸɵģ���������.to do sth.

����capable adj. ��ʤ�εģ��п��ܵ�of doing sth.

����competent adj. ��ʤ�εģ���ӳ��~ to do/for sth.

����qualified adj. �����ʸ�/������for sth./in doing sth.

����3. absence n. ȱϯ�����ڣ�ȱ��

����lack n. ȱ�٣�û��

����want n. ��ҫ��ȱ��

����4. accept vt. ����

����receive vt. �յ�

����5. accident n. �����¹ʣ��ֻ�

����incident n. �¼����±䣬�¶�

����event n. ���£��ش��¼�

����occurrence n. żȼ����֮��



����plod v.�ز���,������ | tramp v.�ز��ߣ��� ���� | trek n.v.�� ���� | trudge v.����

����ford n.dz̲��ˮdz���洦v.��ˮ | wade v.��ˮ | excursion n.��;���� | jaunt v.�̳�����

����safari n.�������у���;���� | itinerary n.�г̱�������·�� | travelogue n.���м��ţ��μ�

����wanderlust n.����񱣬������ | pilgrimage n ��ʥ֮��v ����,��ʥ | expedition n.զ��,̽��

����explore v.̽��,̽�� | exploration n.̽��,�о� | spelunker n ̽����ѩ��,�о���ѩ��


����brawny adj.(��)ǿ׳�� | craggy adj.���ͱڵģ���׳�� | hardy adj.�ͺ��ġ�ǿ׳��

����robust adj.��׳�� | sinewy adj.����ģ�ǿ׳������` | stalwart adj.��׳�ģ��ᶨ��

����stocky adj.���ֵģ���׳�� | stout adj.���ֵģ�ǿ׳�� | hale adj ǿ׳��?

����beefy adj ǿ׳�ģ���ʵ��? | hefty adj ǿ׳�ģ����ص�? | tonicity n ǿ׳��ǿ��������?

����burly a ��ʵ��,��׳��,��ֱ�� | sturdy adj.(����)ǿ���ģ���ʵ��

����virile adj.���������ģ��۽��� | virility n.�۾����ɷ��� | potent adj.ǿ������

����puissant adj.ǿ������,ǿ���



����(a���ѷ�)6. it is said that (��˵...)the house(����) along(����) the street(�ֵ�) will be demolished.

����a)pulled down(��٣� ʹ����) b) rebuilt(�ؽ�)

����c) renovated (�޸�������) d) constructed (���죬����)

����6.a. demolish�ļ�������ϊ���ٻ��� ��٣� �ʒ������ھ����иô��ա�����̬����ʽ���֣� ������ǿ��ӵ�����ṹ(the house along the street/�ֵ����եķ���)�� ��� demolish�ھ��еĵ���ϊ����١��� ���a�ǵ𰸡�


����it is said/reported/required that����˵/�ݱ���/��ҫ��...


����build �c put up �c construct ����

����(a���ѷ�)7. the staff(ȫ��ְա) of the company(��˾) are always courteous and helpful(�������˵ģ� ���õ�).

����a) efficient (��ч�ʵģ� �ܸɵ�) b) respectable(ֵ���𾴵�)

����c) well-informed(��ϣ��ͨ�ģ� ���ź㲩��) d) respectful (�����˵�, ����ò��)

����7. d. courteous���嵥һ�����������ϊ������ò�ġ��� ���d�ǵ𰸡�


����efficient �c able �c capable �ܸɵ�

����(a���ѷ�)8.the construction(�޽�) of the railway(��·) is said to (��˵)have been terminated.

����a) resumed (���¿�ʼ) b) ended(�������յ�)

����c) suspended(��ͣ, �ݻ�������) d) cancelled (ȡ��)

����8.b. terminate�ĵ���ϵ�һ�� ���������ϊ�������� �� ���b�ǵ𰸡�


����cease �c complete �c end �c finish �c stop �c terminate(a��) ����

����(a���ѷ�) 9. it is postulated that population(�˿�) trends(����) have an effect on (��...��ӱ��)economic(���õ�) fluctuations(����).

����a) challenged(��ս�� ��...��ս�� ����) b) assumed(��ϊ�� �ٶ�)

����c) accepted(���ܣ�����) d) doubted (����)

����9. b. postulate�ļ�������ϊ��ҫ�� �ٶ��������b�ǵ𰸡�


����have an effect on��- have an impact on��- influence �c affect ӱ��

����(b���ѷ�) 10.when jack eventually(����) overtook the last(���ģ�����) truck(����) he pulled over to (�ѳ�����...)the inside lane(����ij���).

����a) skipped (������ծ�� ����) b) passed(ͨ���� ������ ����)

����c) reached (��� ����� ��χ) d) led (�쵼, ��ʹ��ǧ)

����10.b. overtake�ļ�������ϊ������;�����������b�ǵ𰸡�


����reach �c get to �c arrive at ����

����cause �c create �c bring about �c lead to ��ɣ�����

����(b���ѷ�)11. a deadly disease(����) has affected(ӱ��) these animals(����).

����a) contagious (��ⱦ�ե�) b) serious(����ģ����صģ������)

����c) fatal(������) d) worrying(���ǵģ� ���˵��ĵ�)

����11.c. deadly�ǵ���ʣ� ���������ϊ�������ġ��� ���c(������)�ǵ𰸡�


����contagious �c infectious ��ⱦ�ե�

����fatal �c deadly �c killing ������

����(b���ѷ�)12.with immense relief(���ɣ�(ʹ��)���ᣬ �ȼ�), i stopped(ֹͣ) running(����).

����a) much(����ģ�������) b)enormous(�޴�ģ������)

����c) little (������ ���ٵģ�с�ģ� ����) d) extensive(���ģ�������)playground

����12.b. immense��`��������ϊ������ġ��� ���b�ǵ𰸡�


����much �c abundant �c a lot of �c plenty of �c a large amount of ������

����little �c small �c tiny с��

����little �c slightly �c somewhat ��΢�� ����

����(a���ѷ�)13. contact(��ϵ) your doctor(ҽ��) if the cough(����) persists.

����a) insists (��֣� ǿ��) b) perseveres (���)

����c) continues(����������) d)resists (�������ֿ�)

����13.c. persist �ļ�������ϊ����֣� ��������persist �ھ����г䵱����״��ӿ��е�ν�������cough�� ���persist �ھ����еĵ���ϊ���������� ���c(����)�ǵ𰸡�


����insist on �c demand �c require �c request �c ask ҫ��

����(b���ѷ�)14.because of (��ϊ)the popularity(�ռ�������) of the region(����), it is advisable to book(Ԥ��) hotels in advance(Ԥ��).

����a) possible(���ܵ�) b) profitable (������)

����c) easy(���׵ģ����ʵ�) d)wise(���ǵ�)

����14.d. advisable���嵥һ�� ���������ϊ�����ǵġ��� ���d�ǵ𰸡�


����because of �c due to �c owing to �c thanks to ����

����advisable - wise �c clever �c sensible - bright ���ǵģ� ������













����lack n.ȱ��,û��(����,����)








����6. accomplish vt.���

����achieve vt.���

����attain vt.�ﵽ

����7. accordingly adv.����,�ݴ�

����consequently adv.���,���

����hence adv.���,����,����

����therefore adv.���

����8. accurate adj.׼ȷ,��ȷ��

����exact adj.����ʵ/��׼�����,ȷ�е�'

����precise adj.��ȷ���ܵ�,�ͻ������

����9. accuse v.�ظ�

����charge v.�ظ�

����scold v.��

����sentence v.�д�ͽ��

����10. acknowledge v.��������

����~ a secret admit v.����ը�����ȳ���

����~ a statement confess v.�θ�,�й�

����~ a crime����



����bizarre adj.����ģ��źֵ�

����exotic adj.�����,���������

����freak n.�������adj.������

����novelty n.����(������)

����outlandish adj.��ֵģ��źֵ�

����prodigy n.����,�ƿ�֮��,���

����queer adj.��ֵģ�����

����quirk n.���£����

����serendipity n.���ڷ�������������츳

����singularity n.׿խ������

����vagary n.���룬�����쿪

����outre adj ��ֵģ��ĵ���?

����quaint a ���ŵ�`,������ȥ��,��ֵ�

����quirkiness n ��թ,����

����antic adj �źֵģ���׾��

����antics n.�źֻ����ķ���

����chimera n.�񻰹���λ�

����crank n.�������źֵ���

����cranky adj.���ģ����ȵ�

����droll adj.�źֵģ���ц��

����eccentric adj.�źֵģ�������

����eccentricity n.���������

����erratic adj.�����޳��� �źֵ�

����fantastic adj.�ֵ���,��ʵ�ʵ�

����grotesque adj.�ֵ��ģ��źֵ�

����monster n.��ȼ�������

����transmogrify v.��ùź֣�����

����wacky adj.(��ϊ��)�źֵģ��޴���

����weird adj.�źֵģ����ƶ�

����whim n.��䣬����ͷ

����whimsical adj.�źֵģ������쿪��

����whimsy n.�ź֣������쿪

����crotchet n ����ͷ��с��

����maggot n ���룬���룬����ͷ

����mannerism n ���ի���ֹ��ض��ظ������ʽ,���

����unearthly a �dz�����,���ص�,�����

����idiosyncrasy n.������ի���ϊ

����aberrant adj.խ��ģ��쳣��

����anomaly n.�쳣������

����preternatural adj.�쳣��,����ȼ��

����anomalous adj.�����ģ��������

����deviant adj.խ������ģ�������

����deviate v.խ�죬����

����maverick n.�����ߣ��뷨���ڲ�ͬ����


����1. consideration����account���£� ���ǣ� ��ҫ���ǵ���� ����

����2. appalling����dreadful�����𾪵ģ� �������ŵ�

����3. anyhow����anyway������σ� ��֮

����4. achieved����attained��ɣ� �ﵽ

����5. account for����explain˵���� ռ�� ����� �÷�

����6. bearing����influence��у� ��ϵ�� ���棬 ����

����7. barren����bare�������ģ�ƶ�ģ� û�н����

����8. blend����mix���(��admix)

����9. concise����short and clear������.�� ������

����10. courteous����well-informed����ò�ģ� ǫ����

����11. credible����convincing���ŵģ� �ɿ���

����12. contended����argued������ ������ ����

����13. converted����changedʹת�䣬 ת��ʹ�����ı�����

����14. census����count�˿��ղ�

����15. conscientious����careful�����

����16. consolidated����strengthened�ӹ̵�; ��������

����17. contaminated����polluted��ⱦ

����18. accused of����charged with�ظ棬 ǵ�� ����

����19. allocated����assigned / distributed���ɣ� ����

����20. annoying����irritating���˵ģ� �����

����21. allocate����assign���ɣ� ����

����22. a branch����a division֦�� ��֦�� �ֲ����ֿƣ� ����

����23. abnormal����unusual�����ģ� ��̬��



����2.��above ---on



����5.����evening ---night

����6.����kid --- child

����7.˵speak--- talk/say

����8.����glad --- happy

����9.��fast --- quick

����10.����mother ---- mum

����11.��hear --- listen

����12.����below --- under

����13.��see--- watch/look

����14.��faster--- quick

����15.���hello--- hi

����16.��ӱmovie --- film

����17.����gift--- present

����18.�ɻ�plane--- airplane

����19.цlaugh--- smile

����20.��much--- many

����21.�̵�shop--- store




����25.ѧϰlearn--- study

����26.��big--- large

����27.��ƭpicture ---photo


����29.�γ�class ��lesson


����31.ÿ����glass ��cup

����32.ǯ��purse�� wallet




����36.�ա�near ��beside

����37.��԰garden ��park

����38.����desk ��table

����39.����river ��lake

����40.�ؼ�go home ��come home

����41.�ղ�amoment ago��just now

����42.������a lot of ��lots of �� many

����43.�ó�be good at��do well in

����44.��ȼof course ��sure

����45.����befrom��come from

����46.ɢ��take a walk ��go for a walk

����47.������take a bus��by bus

����48.��ҫwould like ��want

����49.ѱ��look for�� find



����delay �c put off �c postpone �ƴ٣� ʹ����

����quick �c fast �c rapid �c prompt ��ģ�ѹ�ٵ�

����positive �c sure �c certain �϶��ģ� ȷ����

����favorable �c profitable (b��) �c beneficial ������

����reaction �c response ��ӧ

����surprise �c shock �c amaze �c astonish ʹ����

����6. (a���ѷ�) he impressed all his colleagues(ͬ��) as(��...����...(ӡ��)) a vigorous man in the prime of (����...�����ʱ��) his career(��ҵ��ְҵ).

����a)hot-tempered(���ӽ��ã������) b) healthy(�����ģ������ڽ�����)

����c) friendly (�ѻõ�) d) patient(���ˣ� ���͵ģ����ĵ�)

����6. b. vigorous�ļ�������ϊ��������ʢ�ģ���׳�ġ��� ���b�ĵ�����֮��ӽ���

����career �c profession �c occupation ְҵ

����strike �c impress ����ӡ��

����7. (b���ѷ�)data(����) from voyager(������) ii have presented(��...���) astronomers(����ѧ��) with a puzzle about why our outermost(������ģ� ��զ��) planet(����) exists(����).

����a) problem(����) b) mystery(�ԣ� ���ص�����)

����c) question (����) d) point(�㣬������ ��׼�� ָ��)

����7.b. puzzle �ھ����е�'����ϊ���ʣ� ����ϊ���ʵļ�������ϊ���ԡ������b�ǵ𰸡�

����present �c gift ����

����present �c introduce ����

����problem �c question �c issue ����

����8. (b ���ѷ�) he rolled up (����)his trouser leg(����) to exhibit his wounded(���˵�) knee(ϥ��).

����a) spread(��չ������������) b) open(���ŵģ� �����ģ� ӫҵ�ŵģ� �򿪣� ����)

����c) show(��ʾ�� չʾ�������� ��ʾ) d) examine(��飬����)

����8.c. exhibit �ھ������������ʣ� ����ϊ���ʵļ�������ϊ��չ���� ���с������c�ǵ𰸡�





















































����have to-must�����룩





























����wear-put on������











