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ʱ�䣺2023-09-04 14:50:12 ���� ̨�� ��ҫͷ��
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�������ҹ�������¼��̨�� 1

����chris gardner��chris gardner��how are you? good morning. chris gardner, chris gardner. good see you again. chris gardner. pleasure.

����ive been sitting there for last half-hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this. and i wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities that im sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence. team-playing, something. and i couldnt think of anything. so the truth is...i was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.

����jay twistle��parking tickets��

����chris gardner��and i ran all the way here from the polk station, the police station.

����mr. frohm��what were you doing before you were arrested?

����chris gardner��i was painting my apartment.

����mr. frohm��is it dry now? chris gardner��i hope so.

����mr. frohm��jay says youre pretty determined.

����jay twistle��hes been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month.

����mr. frohm��he said youre smart.

����chris gardner��well, i like to think so.

����mr. frohm��and you want to learn this business?

����chris gardner��yes, sir, i wanna learn this business.

����mr. frohm��have you already started learning on your own?

����chris gardner��absolutely.

����mr. frohm��jay?

����jay twistle��yes, sir.

����mr. frohm��how many times have you seen chris?

����jay twistle��i dont know. one too many, apparently.

����mr. frohm��was he ever dressed like this?

����jay twistle��no. no. jacket and tie.

����mr. frohm��first. in your class in school? high school?

����chris gardner��yes, sir.

����mr. frohm��how many in the class?

����chris gardner��twelve.

����it was a small town.

����mr. frohm��ill say.

����chris gardner��but i was also first in my radar class in the navy, and that was a class of 20.

����chris gardner��can i say something? ..im the type of person if you ask me a question, and i dont know the answer im gonna tell you that i dont know. but i bet you what. i know how to find the answer, and i will find the answer. is that fair enough?

����mr. frohm��chris, what would you say if a guy walked in for interview without a shirt on and i hired him? what would you say?

����chris gardner��he mustve had on some really nice pants.

�������ҹ�������¼��̨�� 2

����1. people cant do something by themselves; they wanna tell you, you can not do it.


����2. you want something. go get it!


����3. you got a dream, you gotta protect it. people cant do something themselves, they wanna tell you you cant do it. if you want something, go get it. period.


����4. that maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue.

����and maybe we can actually never have it...no matter what.


����5. its not a simple passfail. its an evaluation tool we use to separate applicants. be safe, score a hundred.


����6. id get this good feeling about all the things that i could be. and then i never became any of them.


����7.dream, just like never blossom flower, wither away, in full bloom��


����8.dont ever let somebody tell you you cant do something, not even me. you got a dream, you gotta protect it.


����9. there is an i in ��happiness��,there is no y in ��happiness��,its an i.


����10. im the type of person,if you ask me a question, and i dont know the answer,im gonna to tell you that i dont know.but i bet you what: i know how to find the answer, and ill find the answer.


�������ҹ�������¼��̨�� 3

����1.chris gardner: he must have had on some really nice pants.����˹�ӵ��ɣ���һ������һ���ܰ��ŀ��ӡ�


����3.im the type of person,if you ask me a question, and i dont know the answer,im gonna to tell you that i dont know.but i bet you what: i know how to find the answer, and ill find the answer.����������`�ˣ�������ʵ������ҳ�֪���𰸣��һ�ֱ�ӹ������ҳ�֪�����������㱣֤����֪�����ѱ�ҵ𰸣�������һ�����ҳ��𰸵ġ�

����4.chris gardner��people cant do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.����˹�ӵ��ɣ�������������һщ�����ʱ�����ǿͻ����˵��ҳͬ�����ܡ�

����5.dont ever let somebody tell you you cant do something, not even me.���ñ��˸�������ɲ��˲ţ���ʹ����ҳ���с�

����6.martin frohm: what would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and i hired him? what would you say?����������ҹ�ӷ��һ��û�д��ų����߽������ˣ������ô˵?

����7.chris gardner��you have a dream, you got to protect it.����˹�ӵ��ɣ�����������룬��ҫ�ػ�����

����8.chris gardner��you want something. go get it!����˹�ӵ��ɣ�����ŀ���ҫȫ���ը���

����9.you got a dream, you gotta protect it. people cant do something themselves,they wanna tell you you cant do it.if you want something, go get it. period.�����������ļ�����ҫȥ����������щһ���޳ɵ������������ҳ�ɲ��˴����������������ļ�����ҫȥŭ��ʵ�֡���������

����10.there is an i in happiness,there is no y in happiness,its an i�ҹ�����û��ϊʲô��ֻ���ҡ�

�������ҹ�������¼��̨�� 4

����1��chris gardner��you have a dream, you got to protect it.


����2��chris gardner��people cant do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.


����3��chris gardner��you want something. go get it!


����4��martin frohm: what would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and i hired him? what would you say?


����5��chris gardner: he must have had on some really nice pants.


����6��there is an i in "happiness",there is no y in "happiness",its an i


����7��im the type of person,if you ask me a question, and i dont konw the answer,im gonna to tell you that i dont konw.but i bet you what: i konw how to find the answer, and ill find the answer,.


����8��what would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a short on and i hired him? what would you say?

����he mustve had on some really nice pants.



����9��dont ever let somebody tell you you cant do something, not even me.


����10��you got a dream, you gotta protect it. people cant do something themselves,they wanna tell you you cant do it.if you want something, go get it. period.


����11��and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. and i remember thinking.












