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����1. ����֪ʶŀ�꣺

����1) ���������´ʻ㣺��ĸaa ~ hh, good, morning, good morning!, hi, hello

����2) ���������¾��ͣ�

������ good morning, helen!

������ hello, frank!

������ hi, bob!

����3) ��������ӣ����к��ij�ͬ˵��������������á�

����4�� ��������ĸaa ~ hh����ĸ˳�򣬶�������д��

����2. ���̬�ȼ�ֵ��ŀ�꣺



����1. ��ѧ�ص㣺

����1) ��ʶһщ�򵥵�ӣ�����֣���ϊ�լ�ȡһ��ӣ�����֡�

����2) ѧϰ��ӣ����м�����к���������᲻ͬ�ĵ��к�����i������ڣ�����������á�

����3) ѧϰ������ĸaa ~ hh����ĸ˳�򣬶�������д��

����2. ��ѧ�ѵ㣺

����1) ѧϰ������ĸaa ~ hh����ĸ˳�򣬶�������д��

����2) ��ʶһщ�򵥵�ӣ�����֣���ϊ�լ�ȡһ��ӣ�����֡�


������. lead in

����listen to a ��good morning!�� song. then ss learn to sing this song.

����(����jefc�̲��е�good morning!���������¿�.)

������. presentation

����1. come into the classroom and greet the class with a smile and say good morning! now, introduce the words ��teacher�� and ��class�� by using gestures. repeat this several times and have the class repeat after you. students can answer as a whole group, as rows and as individuals.

����t: (by gestures) "teacher; class"

����ss: (repeat after teacher) "teacher; class"

����2. point to yourself and say i��m miss��mr. �� have them repeat. explain the terms miss and mr. in chinese. ss repeat this a few times with rows and individuals.

����ss: miss/ ms. �� (ss repeat)

����ss: morning, miss��ms. �� (ss repeat)

����ss: good morning, ms., mr. �� (ss repeat)

����3. leave the classroom, return and say good morning, class! help the students respond with good morning, miss��mr. �� say "sit down, please. now let��s start the lesson."

����(practice it several times.)

������. game (choose an english name.)

����1. t: we have many new friends in our class this year. they are from the u.s.a. and england. who are they? do you want to know them? now please look at the screen.


����(show the picture of bob.)

����t: this is bob. (teach ss "bob")

����ss: bob (ss read after the teacher.)

����(then teach the name: dale, frank and eric in the same way. tell ss they're boys.)

����(show the picture of grace.)

����t: this is grace. (teach ss "grace")

����ss: grace (ss read after the teacher.)

����(then teach the name: helen, cindy and alice in the same way. tell ss they're girls.)

����2. ss read the names aloud. then let some ss read the names to the class.

����3. t: now let's work on 1a. look at the picture in 1a and write down the names in the picture. attention: which are boys' names and which are girls' names?

����4. choose a name for yourself in a group. then practice saying: "i'm ���� (�ú���˵��i'm�� ��ϊ���ҽс������֡���)

����s1: i'm alice.

����s2: i'm bob.


������. listening

����1. tell ss that our new friends are greeting each other. please keep quite and listen the recording.


����2. ss listen and repeat after the recording.

������. pair work


����t: you are bob, your partner is helen. you are dale, your partner is eric. then you are cindy, your partner is alice. practice the conversations.

����ss practice the conversations in pairs.

����t: exchange the roles. and practice the conversations again.

����ss exchange the roles and practice the conversations again.

����2. ���ø�ѧ�ľ��ͣ����øղ��լ���ѡ���ӣ���������໥�ʺ�

����s1: good morning, cindy!

����s2: hello, frank!

����s3: good morning, grace!

����s4: hi, bob!

������. listening

����1. (����ѧ����ӣ������26��ӣ����ĸ�����ǿ������ǻ���ıʻ�һ���ǹ��ɵ��ʵ�ҫ�ء�������������ѧϰ��ĸaa ~ hh������a��b��c��d��e��f��g��h�ǵ�д��ĸ��a��b��c��d��e��f��g��h��сд��ĸ��)

����2. ��ʦ����¼�����σ���һ��ѧ���ǽ������ڶ��κ͵�����ѧ���ǹ�����ע���������ͣ������ѧ�������㹻��ʱ����ꡣ

����3. let some ss read out the letters aa ~ hh. (ע�����ѧ���dz�׼ȷ�ķ���)

����4. let ss try to remember the letters aa ~ hh.

����5. now let's work on 2b. listen and number the letters you hear [1-8].


������. writing

����1. t: now let's learn how to write these letters. first look at the picture carefully in 2c. then tell us how to write these english letters.

����2. ss read and find out the writing rules of the letters aa ~ hh.






����3. ss try to copy the letters by themselves. t goes around the classroom to give any help.

����4. let some ss come to the bb, and write down the letters on the bb. check with the whole class.

������. practice

����1. tell ss to look at the picture in 2d. first, read the letters aloud. then let some ss read the letters to the class aloud.

����2. let ss try to write down the missing letters. check the answers with your partner.

����3. let some ss come the bb and write missing letters on the bb.


������. read and talk

����1. let ss look at the pictures in 2e. let some ss read the letters below each picture.

����2. let some ss talk about the meaning of each picture.

����s1: hb ��ǧ��о��ӳ��

����s2: cd ���̣����⳪ƭ

����s3: bbc ӣ���㲥��˾

������. game

����let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson��the following is the instruction��

����1. ��һ�֣�������ĸ��ϸ����ʦ��ȫ��ֳ�����с�飬ȼ�������ʾ��ĸ��ƭ��ѧ���ǿ������𡣽�ʦ�����ⱦ��ֵ�ѧ����������ĸ�����եĸ������2�֡�

����2. �ڶ��֣�д��ĸ��ϸ���޶�����ӵ�ʱ�䣬��с���աĭд��ĸaa ~ hh��ȼ�󣬸�с�齻����у�դ𰸡�

����3. ���ۣ��÷�������ϊ��ʤ�顣



��������ʱ��ѧ������сѧӣ��pep�̲����꼶�ϲ���ĵ�Ԫa���� let��s learn��let��s do��ƶ��ɡ�


���������ʱ�ľ�ѧŀ�걾����ҫ�ǣ�1����ѧ�����յ���study�� bathroom�� bedroom�� living room��kitchen��˵���϶���2����˵����let��s do�����ֵ����ݲ���������ӧ�ķ��������˸���ѧ����ʵ�ʳ̶ⱥͿγ������������������������ѧŀ�꣺1������˵�ʻ�watch tv, read a book, have a snack, take a shower, have a sleep��2�����һ���������񣺽����լ��ļҡ��������¿α곫���ġ������͡���ѧ;���� �ڽ�ѧ�у��µ��ʵ�`��ѧ��ӧ��һ���������龳�г��֣������ѧ���ѿ�ѧ�������խṹ���������ɺͷ��еġ�let��s do���լ�ѧ����ϲ�õĸ�������ϸ����д�������������������ԣ������������կ�ܣ�this is my home. you can see a living room, a bedroom, a ��. i can watch tv in the living room, i can read a book in the study ��. welcome to my home!��ͨ����ʦʾ����������ʾ������ѧ��ѧ������լ��ļ�,���ڽ��ʻ�л�����ԣ����ѧϰ����


����1��������˵���϶�����study, bathroom, bedroom, living room��kitchen��������ʵ���龰�м������á�

����2��������������һщָ��磺go to the living room/ ��. watch tv. read a book. have a snack. take a shower. have a sleep.

����3�������������լ򵥽����լ��ļң�this is my home. you can see a living room, a bedroom, a ��. i can watch tv in the living room, i can read a book in the study ��.



����1��������˵���϶�����study, bathroom, bedroom, living room��kitchen��������ʵ���龰�м������á�



���������ⲣ��˵have a snack. take a shower. have a sleep.�����ԣ��������������լ򵥽����լ��ļң�this is my home. you can see a living room, a bedroom, a ��. i can watch tv in the living room, i can read a book in the study ��.




����3����ʦ׼��study, bathroom, bedroom, living room��kitchen�ĵ��ʿ�ƭ��


����step1: warm-up���������룩


����t: boys and girls, look at the screen. today, our topic is ��my home��. who can read? (ask some ss to read the topic)

����in this class, we��re going to talk about ��home��, everybody here should learn to introduce your home to us. ok?

����ss: ok.

����2��sing a song in the classroom

����t: first, let��s sing a song, ok?

����ss: ok.

����step2: presentation���¿γ��֣�

����1.��ѧliving room

����(�����������ý���ʾһ��living room��ͼƭ��)

����t: is this a classroom?

����ss: no.

����t: what is it?

����ss: living room.

����t: yes. this is a living room. follow me:living room,

����ss: (read one by one)

����t: what can you see in the living room?

����ss: i can see a table, a sofa, a ��, a tv.

����t: let��s watch tv, ok?

����ss: ok. living room.

����t:����ý���ʾһ��tvͼ���� do you like watching tv?

����s1: yes.

����t: let��s go to the living room and watch tv.

����s1: ok.

����t: go, go, go. go to the living room, watch tv. let��s go together. s1: go, go, go. go to the living room, watch. tv.



����t: is this a living room?

����ss: no.

����t: oh, we��ve got the wrong way. what is it?

����ss: a study.

����t: yes, this is a study. follow me: study,study.

����ss: (read one by one)

����t: what

����can you do in the study?

����ss: read a book.

����t: (��ý���ʾ����read a book��) do you like reading books? ss: yes.

����t: let��s go to the study and read a book. go, go, go. go to the study, read a book.


����t: oh, i��m tired. i feel a little hungry. i want to have some snack. (��ʦ��

������һщс���ģ�������һ�顣) do you want to have a snack? s1: yes.

����t: here you are. have a snack. who want to have snack?

����ss: i want to have a snack.


����t: oh, snacks are gone. where can we get some?

����ss: go to the kitchen.

����t: (��ý���ʾkitchenͼƭ�͵���) follow me:kitchen, kitchen. ss: (read one by one)

����t: let��s go to the kitchen, have some snack. go, go, go. go to the kitchen, have a snack.


����t: (��ý���ʾһщ�ҿߺ�с������) look at these things. can you help them get home?

����ss: put the tv in the living room./ put the ��.

����t: oh, where should the bed go?

����ss: go to the bedroom.

����t: (��ý���ʾbedroomͼƭ�͵��ʡ�) follow me:bedroom,bedroom.

����ss: (read one by one)

����t: let��s sing a song ��my bedroom��, ok?

����ss: ok.









����step 1warming-up and lead-in (5 mins)


�����ñ���Ԫ���ķ���marty��s story�����룬�����м��˵ļ��⡣

����t: hello, class. inthe last lesson, we learnt marty��s story. what��s the problem with marty?

����(he has a raremuscle disease.)

����yes, he��sdisabled.

����but is martyleading a miserable life due to his disability?


����he is leading afulfilling life due to his own efforts. the disabled can live as good andcomfortable a life as we do. but it calls for more efforts.



����t: we are lucky tobe able-bodied and study in such a beautiful school.

����but every now andthen, i find such students in our school. what are their problems?

����(they havedifficulty walking and they have to move around with walking sticks orwheelchairs.)

����t: this is songyaoguang, our classmate. yaoguang, what happened to you?

����do you find itdifficult to walk around in our school with a walking stick?

����do you think itnecessary to have our school reconstructed for the students with walkingdifficulty?


����t��if you have some suggestions, you can write asuggestion letter to our headmaster. have you ever written such a letterbefore?

����so in today��slesson, we are going to

����1. read asuggestion letter

����2. discussproblems with the school facilities

����3. write a suggestionletter to the headmaster

����2 reading (15 min)




����t: this is aletter to an architect. what information can we get in this part?

����(receiver��s nameand address.)

����what��s this partabout?

����(sender��s name /signature)

����from these twoparts, we learn that this is a formal letter. so a suggestion letter is aformal letter.

����it is the mostimportant part in a suggestion letter, which is called the body.


����t��the main body can be divided into three parts. whatare they?

����(1, 2-6, 7)

����t: what's thepurpose of the 1st paragraph?

����(to give thearchitect the purpose of writing the letter.)

����what's the purposeof the last paragraph?

����(to persuade thearchitect to adopt her suggestions.)




����t: now, let��s cometo the concrete suggestions that alice has made. how many suggestions doesalice make?

����why do you thinkthe writer numbered her suggestions and used italics?

����(highlight the key points so as to make iteasier for the readers to remember and understand her suggestions.)

����so when you writea suggestion letter, you should number the suggestions and use italics.


����t: we are going tolearn some more writing strategies of writing suggestions.

����how should wewrite suggestions? let��s take a look at the first suggestion, what are theproblems for those who use wheelchair?

����(the lifts are atthe back of the cinema in cold, unattractive places. as disabled people have touse the lifts, this makes them feel they are not as important as othercustomers.)

����and what is thesuggested solution?

����(it would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema. the buttons in the lifts should beeasy for a person in a wheelchair to reach, and the doors be wide enough toenter. )

����from this part, wecan see that a suggestion should consist of two parts, the problem and thesolution.

����let��s see two moreexamples. find out the problems and suggested solutions in these two parts.

����when you writesuggestions yourselves, don��t forget to write both problems and solutions.


����t: the thirdwriting strategy is about the the language. suppose you were the architect,which one of these two statements do you prefer?

����(screen) i hopeyou will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs ofdisabled customers.

����you must thinkabout the needs of disabled customers.

����why? (it soundsmore polite and more acceptable.)

����exactly. when youwrite suggestions, you should use some polite forms to encourage the reader totake the ideas seriously and make your suggestions more acceptable.

����now let��s findsome more examples in the text.


����it would be handyto have lifts to all parts of the cinema.

����it would help tofit sets of earphones to all seats...

����so i��d like tosuggest that the seats at the back be placed higher than those at the front ��

����for disabledcustomers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near��

����and if the doorscould be opened outwards, disabled customers would be very happy.

����i hope mysuggestions will meet with your approval.

����step 3discussion(8 min)


����t: now let��s comeback to our topic today. some parts of our school are not suitable for thosewith walking difficulty. let��s discuss:

����1. what parts ofour school may cause problems for those with walking difficulty?

����2. what are yoursolutions?

����step 4 writing(15 min)


����now that we havediscussed the problems and solutions with some school facilities, we can writea suggestion letter to our headmaster. take out your handouts. the first partand last part are already given to you. what you have to do is write 2-3suggestions on the reconstruction of our school. when writing, do remember towrite both problems and solutions, and use polite forms.

����step 4 emotionalattitude and values(2 min)


����in this unit, wehave learned the difficulty of the disabled and how they face and conquer thedifficulty. but as able-bodies people, just making some suggestions or donatingmoney is far from enough. what else should we do?

����( care aboutdetails in their life.

����don��t look down upon them or laugh at them. )

����accept them as one of us,and invite them to join us in avariety of activities.)










































����3�����������յļ����ϣ���let��s talk���ص���ͽ���ǿ����ϰ��




����3��ѧ���ܹ���������let��s chant����������˵������








����1���ڹ��̵�������ļ����ϣ�ǿ������one, two, three, four, five�ε��϶��ͼ��䡣

����2���������þ��ͣ�how many ���ʣ�������5���ڵ����ش� �ѵ㣺����ȷ��������four��five�ĵ��σ��ܹ����������let��s chant�����ݡ�






����step 1 warm-up

����1. greetings:

����t: hello,boys and girls!

����ss: hello,miss ji.

����t: nice to meet you.

����ss: nice to meet you,too.

����2��let��s chant(��ʦ��ѧ��һ������

�����������ͼ��ͨ��let's chant������ã�ӫ���������ķ�χ��ʹѧ�����ٽ���ѧϰ״̬��)

����step 2 presentation

����1��t:today we have some new friends in our class, some new teachers,and who else?����������ʦ�����õ����ֿ�ƭ��˵��������ʦ֮�⻹��һщ�������ѣ�.

����t:yes,we have some number friends in our class, now let��s meet the first friend, it��s one.



����1������ѧ����һ�ֵı��֣�����ѧ��һщƻ����ƭ��ϊ��������ʦ�����ߵ����н�ʒ��`һ��ѧ���աߣ������������еŀ�ƭ����ʦҳ�����լ����еŀ�ƭ��t��you have an apple, i have an apple,too.what��s one and one?����ѧ���ش����

2��t:yes,we are two. this is our second friend.��ʾtwo�ĵʿ����̶�����ʦ�����ʣ�how many apples? ss: two.

������ʦ�����̶ֱ߽����ʣ� two��ѧ������ʦһ�������μ���ʾ����ѧ���ش� (�����ͼ��ͨ��������с��ʒ��ѧ������һ��һ���ڼ�������ѧ���뵽ӣ������������ܹ�����ѧ�������������������ϵ������ѧ���ļ����ԣ����õi���ѧ����ѧϰ���ʡ���

����3��what��s missing?

����t��now i have some numbers in my hand.can you find what��s missing?���ѧ���ش�3����ʦ˵��yes,but where is it? i think it��s in your desk.please find it out.ѧ���ҵ���ʱ��t��it��s here.it��s three.����

�������̶�����ʦ���̶ֽ���ѧ��������ů��������ʾ�μ���how many rabbits?һ��ѧ���ش�



����t��how many friends do we have?


����t��yes, we have three friends. look ,four is coming.

������ʦ�ó�4�ĵʿ�����ѧ�����ܣ�this is four.���鲢�������ʣ���ʾ�μ���t��how many monkeys? ss��four����ʦ���լ��ļ��̶����ʡ�


����5����ʦ�����լ��������ʣ�how many fingers? let��s count,ѧ���ͽ�ʦһ������five����������5��ѧϰ�����鲢�̶�����ѧ�����ʒ�������ů������ʦ��ž̶����ʡ� play a game.

����ʦ�����òؿ�ƭ����ϸ��five���в�����һ������ȫ��ѧ������ʦ��five�ĵ��ʿ�ƭ����ѧ��֮�у�ȼ��ʦ��һ��˵1 2 3 4 5 go,ԭ������ȫ��ѧ����ͬѧ����ʼѱ�ҵ��ʿ�ƭ������խ�ӽ���ƭѧ��������five������խ�󣬷�֮������խс������ҿ�ƭ��ѧ��һֱδ���ֿ�ƭ��λ�ã���ʦ�����ָһ����5 4 3 2 1�����ֺõ�ͬѧ���եõ�һ��ͼƭ��

�����������ͼ��ͨ���ؿ�ƭ����ϸ��������ѧ����������fiveͻ���ѵ㣬���ܶ�����1 2 3 4 5���й�����ϰ��ͬʱ����ϸ�����������ֵ�����ʱ��������ʵ�龰�е����á���

����7���μ�����������ɡ����ϸ����˭��ӧ�죬���ȶ������ʡ�ϵͳ�ķ���ѧ�ĵ��ʡ� �������ͼ��ͨ����˭��ӧ�����ϸ��һ�ι���ѧ����������ʵķ������⣬����ѧ���ե��ʵ�ӡ�󡣣�

����step 3 practice








����1����ʦһ���ó�һщ��ʒ���á�how many?��������ѧ����ѧ���ش���һ���������ѧ�����ٵ�ָ������ǽ�ϵ����֣���˭��죬������ʤ�߸��轱���� �������ͼ����ѧ������ϸ�мȸ�ϰ�˾��ͣ�ҳ�����˵��ʡ���

����2��t��now i have some numbers in your desk, please take out.��ѧ������make friends������ϸ����ʦ�򵥽�����ϸ����


����step 4 conclusion

����1��let��s chant


����2��my lucky number







����step 5 homework




����unit six happy birthday

����one twothreefour five



























����1. match the vocabulary: sales assistant. doctor. actor. reporter. police. officer. waiter. bank clerk. student

����2. master and use: what do you do? what does he do? does he work in hospital?



����1. the vocabulary

����2. language: what does she do? she is a doctor.

�����ѵ�use the language to ask for the jobs




����step 1

����oranization1�� organize students to prepare for the class

����step 2

����free talk 2�� oral practice: games, words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous, boring the students talk about freely

����step 3

����presentation 8�� 1. let students look at the picture and guess the jobs. the teacher describes the jobs and let students guess what. ask job does the person have? where does the person work?

����2. then use explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. for example, exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving.

����a police officer has an exciting job.

����3. let students practice. such as: he is a police officer. it��s an exciting job.

����4. listen to the conversation. what jobs do betty, jenny, and sam want? then write the jobs below.

����5. listen again. why are betty, jenny, and sam interested in these jobs? complete the chart above.

����6. listen to the tape: listen and number the picture(1-3) below.

����then practise the dialogue.

����7. grammar focus: 1.��ѧ����ͷ�����һщ�й�ְҵ�ľ��ӡ���ȡ�󲿷ֵ�ͬѧ���лش�ļ��ᣬ����ظ��ӵ���ϰ��





����6.��ѧ���ʶ�gammar focus

����step 4

����practice 6�� 7. read the newspaper want ads. and fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.

����one: wanted: do you like to work late? do you like to work hard? do you like to meet people? if your answer is ��yes��, then we have a job for you as a ������ѧ��һ����ʱ�䣬�����dz����ϰ��ѧ��с�����ۺ���ϰ���ô󲿷ֵ�'ͬѧ���л��������ݡ�

����step 5

����summary 2�� words and phrases of this class language:


����step 6 test 4�� 1��self check(������)��ѧ�������ٽ����

����step 7 consolidation 4������ڿ���������ҫ��¼��ȼ��ش����⣬��ѧ�������ϰ�������ﵽ��������˵ȼ�����լ���ի�����ϰ��

����step 8

����homework read the newspaper more and more.��ѧ���ʶ�3a���ֵ����ݡ�






����unit 4 i want to be an actor



����1��������˵���ϡ����������Ȿ�ε�����µ��ʣ�young, old , funny, kind��strict

����2�������վ��ͣ�who��s your��? what��s he /she like? �����ھ�����ᄈ�����ã�



����let��s learn���ֵĵ��ʣ�old��short thin��tall��strong, young, funny, kind�ȡ�ҫ��ѧ�����������ͣ��������щ���ӱ�����龳��ѧ��ǡ�����滻���еĵ��ʡ���ѧ������˵������д���ʣ�old��short��thin��tall��strong��


��������������ṩ�ķի����龰���ծ����£���ѧ������ѧϰ״̬��let��s start������ѧ�����鵱���״γ��֣���ʦӧ��ȷ����˲��ֵĸ������ã��ɸ���ʵ�ʽ�ѧ��ҫ����ʹ�ã�������ѧ����ϥ�̲����ݵı仯��








������l�� ����let��s start�����ҥ��¼������ѧ������ҥ�µ�Ԫ���⣬����ѧ������ѧ�ڵ�һ��Ԫӣ��ѧϰ����ȥ��������ʹ�����꼶�ϲ������Ԫѧ���ľ��ͣ���i have a new friend. he��s tall. he��s strong,

����too.���������������ͼƭ������ѧ����ϰ strong�� tall�� short��thin�ȴʣ�ϊ����ʱ����˵������д��щ��������׼����


����t��hello, everyone�� welcome back to school! nice to see you!

����ss: nice to meet you!

������3�� ��ѧ���������⣬���������ص����ݡ�����ự�ɲο����£�

����t��hi��everyone��nice to see you again��what grade are you in now��

����ss��we��re in grade 5��

����t��do you like your new english books(new classroom, new teacher)��


����t�� what are we going to talk about in unit 1��guess��what��s the topic of unit 1��

����2�� presentation���¿γ��֣�

������l����ʾlet��s start����ͼƭ������˵�� rabbit has many new teachers in her school.

����do you have new teachers? ����ѧ�������龰ͼ����ʾ�����½�ʦ��ȼ��˵�����������ǽ�ѧϰ���������½�ʦ��sarah��ϊ��ҽ��ܼ�λ�½�ʦ��������ȿ�һ������щ���½�ʦ��

������2����ʾlet��s learn���ֵ�ͼƭ����ѧ������˵�� they are sarah��s teachers.

����describe these teachers������ѧ�����Ԥϰ���ֻش�� strong�� tall�� short�� thin�ⱦɴʣ�ȼ����ͼ����ѧ�������´ʣ�youny��kind old��funny�������ü�ʻ������ʿ�ƭ��ʵ��ͼƭ�ȡ�һ�����´ʣ�ʹѧ����ȷ���⡢�϶���


������4������������ϣ��ѧ���жϻự�������ľ�ʦ�� let��s learn��ͼ�е���һλ�� mr hu is the art teacher. what��s he like��he��s short and thin�����ǰ���̵��`ѧϰ������ѧ���³���λ��sarah���½�ʦ��������ѧ������ let��s learn�������ṩ���滻���ͣ�����sarah��������λ�½�ʦ����ϰ������ѧ�´ʡ�



����3��let��s play (ȥζ����)

������1��let��s find out (��һ��)

����ָ��ѧ������ѧ�´ʺ;�������let��s find out���ּ�λ��ʦ����ò������ȼ���ҳ���ȷ��ͼƭ����������󣬽�ʦ����ѧ��������ð����´ʿ�ƭ�������н�ի�с�����磺 my new chinese teacher is tall and strong. who is he? ������ѧ��ѡ����ȷ��ͼƭ��

������2��let��s sing (��һ��)

�����ÿ�����my new teacher����¼����ѧ����������һ�������ֽ����и�֪�´ʡ�

����4��consolidation and extension����������չ��

������l����ѧ��������Ԫ a let��s learn���ֵļ�ֲ�������ϰ��

������2����ѧ��ģ��let��s find out���ֵ�¼�����������ѻ�ҳ�����չʾ��ͬ��ʦ��ͼƭ����ѧ���³��ǽ��ĸ���ŀ�ľ�ʦ��ȼ������ѧ�´�������щ��ʦ����ò������

������3����ѧ������ let��s find out�������һщ�����ô�ҳ�һ�¡����բο��������ԣ� she is tall�� she��s beautiful�� she��s very young�� we all like her�� who��s she��



����step1 revision

����check the ss�� homework��

����step2 reading (scanning) ask the ss to find more information about cook��s expedition in 1769

����place time for staying what they did

����1��tahiti 3 happy months watch the planet venus crossing in

����front of the sun

����2�� new zealand 6 months charted the coasts of the 2 islands

����3�� australia mapped the east coast/ landed in botany

����bay/found australia to be an

����astonishing land

����4��between the mainland and the struck a coral bed�� notdied/saved

����great barrier reefthemselves

����5�� island of java passed close by����

����6�� the southern point of africa in july 1771��succeeded in��

����step3:language points:

����1�� watch sb doing :�ۿ�ij��������ij�¡�

����they were able to watch the planet venus crossing in front of the sun��

����2��head south: head:���ʻ���ϊ���ʣ����ִ�ӣ���һ�����������籾����:land safely�� name sb����

����3�� celebrate�� congratulate

����celebrate ����ף�����磺celebrate a victory�� ������ celebration�� in celebration of �� hold a celebration�� congratulate ��ף�أ����÷���congratulate sb�� on/upon sth�� ���ʳ��ø�����ʽcongratulations�����磺the whole country celebrated cook��s return��

����4��jump about:���ĵ�����about: ���ĵ�

����5��tear:(tore��torn)to pull apart or into pieces by force��

����6��strike(struck��struck):to hit

����the ship struck a coral bed��which tore a large hole in the side of the ship ��

����they wre struck (down)by the illness��

����step3 practice finish off the exx in the sb and wb��

����step4 grammar (the v�cing form)

����1��in summer we enjoy_______ under the big trees�� playing cards together��

����a�� sitting b�� to sit c�� seated d�� seating

����2��i regret______ unable to help you��

����a�� to be b�� that i can be c�� being d�� for being

����3��i think it no use _____a lot without _______ anything��

����a�� talking�� doing b�� to talk�� do c�� talked�� doing d�� talking�� being done

����4�� he was praised for_______ the little girl out of the river��

����a�� help b�� to help c�� having helped d�� being helped

����5��how about_____ to the concert with us?

����a�� to go b�� go c�� going d�� gone

����6��he was lucky that he escaped _______��

����a�� to punish b�� being punished c�� punishing d�� to be punished

����7��i didn��t feel like _____�� so i suggested______ a walk��

����a��to work�� to take b�� working�� taking c�� to work�� taking d�� working��taking

����8��i have not got used ______in the center of the city��

����a��live b�� living c�� to live d�� to living

����9��when i heard the hero��s report�� i could not help ______��

����a�� to be moved b�� being moved c�� moving d�� to move

����10��this problem has been settled�� it______ any more��

����a�� needs discussing b�� needs to be discussed c�� needn��t being discussed d��doesn��t need discussing

����key: 1---5 acacc 6---10 bbdbd

����do ex2&3 on p11 of the sb�� do ex4&5 on p11 of the sb��

����step5 homework





��������ŀ�꣺do you want to go to a movie? yes ,do.

����what kind of movies do you like?

����i like action movies. because they are exciting.







�����ʻ㴢����action movie��comedy��thriller��documentary��exciting��scary��sad��




������1���ص�ʻ㼰���͡�do you want to����?��yes/no��

������2����������and , but�����ü������ɵ����临���ĺ��ɡ�




������ѧ���ݣ�unite 9��section a



����step 1��lead in��draw some pictures of football��basketball. t��do you want to play football��s��yesi do.t��do you want to go to a movie��s��yes��i do.show some movie pictures to the students�� letthem discuss together. and teach the new words.

����step 2task 1��talk about the movies. t��do you want to go to a movie��s��yes��i do. t��what kind of movies do you like? do you like comedies��s��yes��i do./no��i don��t.

����first, teacher gives an example. then the class ask and answer. choose 2 or 3 pairs to act them out.

����step 3��task 2��listening.

����let the students read 2a��then listen to the tape.

����ask some questions about listening.

����t��does sally like action movies��s��no.

����t��what kind of movies does sally like��s��documentaries.

����t��does ben like thrillers��s��no��they are scary.

����step 4��task 3��discussion��like and dislike��using and used��but. let the students discuss��and finish 3a and 3b and check the answers. then tell them to read together��in groups or in pairs.

����step 5��make a survey��what kind of movies do you like��ask group mates what kind of movies they want to see on weekends. tell them to talk about each other��and then ask the grouper to give a report.






����2����ȷ�����ճ���������welcome to our school. who��s that boy? i��m new here.

����3������ȷ���þ���who��s that��? he��s�� she��s�� are you a��? yes, i am. no, i��m not.





�����塢��ǰ׼��������ͼƭmike, miss li��miss king��gao shan������ͷ��ben

�������ʿ�ƭstudent, teacher, woman, teacher , boy


����step 1 warm up��watch a little video: who��s that man?


����step 2 free talk

����1.��1��t: who��s that man in the video?

����ss: he��s mr brown.

����t: he��s a doctor. are you a doctor?

����s1: no, i��m not.

������2��t: excuse me, are you a doctor?

����s2: no, i��m not.

����t: are you a student?

����s3: yes, i am.

����now it��s your turn. you ask and i answer��ʦ�ֳ�����ְҵ��ƭ������ѧ������

����1). s1: excuse me, are you a teacher?

����t: no, i��m not. i��m a doctor.

����2��s2: excuse me, are you a student ?

����t: no, i��m not. i��m a teacher.


����1��t: i��m a teacher, yes or no?

����s: yes

����t: i��m a girl, yes or no?

����s: yes

����t: yes, i��m a teacher, i��m a girl.

����t: can you introduce yourself like this?

����s1: i��m a student, i��m a girl.

����s2: i��m a student, i��m a boy.


����2��a. teacher points at a girl or a boy.

����t: who��s that boy?

����ss: he��s __________ . he��s a _______

����t: who��s that girl?

����ss: she��s__________ . she��s a _______

����b. now, group 1 and 2 ask, group3and4 answer.

����12��who��s that boy?

����34: he��s ... he��s a student.

����now, exchange

����34��who��s that girl?

����12: she��s�� she��s a student.


����step 3 presentation.

����1. t��look, who��s that boy?����ʦ����ben��ͷ�σ�

����s: he��s mike.

����t: no, you��re wrong.

����t��now, i��m this boy. you ask me, ok? (��ʦ����ben��ͷ����ѧ����)

����s: are you gao shan?

����b: no, i��m not.

����s: are you liu tao?

����b: no, i��m not. i��m ben.

����t: look! he��s ben. he��s a student. he��s a new student.

����today we��ll learn a new lesson: a new student. (ss read the title after teacher.)

����2. pre-reading

����1) ben��ѧ���ի�t��now, who wants to welcome ben?

����s1: hello, ben. welcome to our school.

������ʦ����ben: hello, i��m new here. nice to meet you!

������ͨ���뼸��ѧ���ķի�����ѧ����ϥ����i��m new here. / welcome to our school.

����2)�μ���ʾmike��miss li��`ͼƭ��

����ben: (point to the picture of mike) who��s that boy?

����ss: he��s mike. he��s a student.

����ben: (point to the picture of miss li) who��s that woman?

����ss: she��s miss li. she��s a teacher.

����3)�μ���ʾmrs brown��ͼƭ��

����ben: (point to the picture of mrs brown) who��s that woman?

����ss: she��s mrs brown.

����t: yes, she��s david��s mother, but what��s her job? a doctor? a teacher?

����let��s ask her together: are you a teacher?

����mrs brown: no, i��m not. i��m a nurse.����ʦ����ѧ���ʺ󣬵�����½�с���ȣ�





����1������¼����������½�с���ȣ����ش����⣺who is the new student?

����2)����flash�������� (�뽫��꿿����ļ��������с��ʱ�������ȷ�������ɿ���flash��)

����3����ѧ���ֽ�ɫ��с���ʶ�gao shan, ben��mrs brown.

����4����act the dialogue


����2�� check the act

����step 4 consolidation



����a.��t: we are at school now.��

����a: hello, i��m yindi. i��m new here.

����b: hello, i��m __________. welcome to our school.

����a: thank you. who��s that woman?

����b: she��s miss ______. she��s our english teacher.

����a: who��s that boy?

����b: he��s _________ . he��s a student. (he��s my classmate.)

����a: oh, time for class. let��s go to the classroom.

����b: ok. let��s go.

����b.��t: we are in the hospital now.��

����a: hello, i��m yindi. i��m new here.

����b: hello, i��m __________. welcome to our hospital.

����a: thank you. who��s that man?

����b: he��s mr ______. he��s a doctor.

����a: who��s that woman?

����b: she��s _________ . she��s a nurse.

����a: oh, i see. let��s go now.

����b: ok. let��s go.



����step 5 homework



����3����¼�������͸���who��s that girl?





����(1)a: what��s this in english?

����b: it��s a watch.

����(2)a: is this that your pen?

����b: yes , it is . no , it isn��t.

����(3)a��how do you spell it?

����b: w-a-t-c-h.








���������˴�绰123 _________________��ʧ�����촦___________________



����(1)check the answers.

����(2)do1a,1b, pair work.

����(3)listen to the tape, do 2a,2b. some students give the answers.

����(4)group work. practice the dialogs. finish 2c.

����(5) write down the dialogs .

����(6)do 3a,3b,3c.



����1.what��s this ?it��s a ___(����)

����2. how do you s___ it ? w-a-t-c-h, watch (�ֱ�).

����3. is that your ___(������ϸ)in the ______(ʧ�����촦)?


����1. this is my eraser.(��ϊ�񶨾�)


����2. that is my pencil case.(��ϊһ�����ʾ䲢���϶��񶨻ش�)





�������̰����꼶ӣ����ѧ��unit6 weather lesson 11��ѧ��ƽ̰���˼

������. terching concents��

����knowledge target

������ sentence: how is the weather today? / how is the weather in beijing?

����it is a sunny / cloudy /rainy .snowy /day.

������ word: weather . sunny . cloudy . rainy . snowy .

����ability target������ѧ���ܹ���ʵ���龰�����þ���̸������

������.teaching aims��

������.can read and spell the new words

������.can use the sentencses to ask the weather and know the answer

������.different points ���ܹ�����ͼ��������������ӣ�サ����

������.teaching process��

����lead in


����t:good morning,boys and grils .

����s:good morning miss chen

����t:ok, how are you ?

����s:i��m fine.and you ?

����t:i��m fine.thank you.

����warming up

����t:frist listen a song ��rain rain go away ��


����new lesson

����t:���ø����������⣩today .we��ll learn unit6 weather lesson11 . ok read after me unit6 weather .���ó����ʿ�ƭ��ָ��������

����s:unit6 weather



����to you know what is the meaning of weather ?


����t:ok .good. weather means ����.

����ͨ����father, mother ,brother������weather�ķ�����


���������ӳ��֣���how is the weather today?������ѧ�����и������飩

����t: what is the meaning of this sentencs��




����t��it is a sunny day.(��˵�߰�sunny ��`���ʿ�ƭչ��)

����t��sunny ����ѧ��������飩

������ϸ����с�� ������

����t: ��how is the weather today?��(�������ó�cloudy�ĵ��ʿ�ƭ)

����t��cloudy ��������飬����������




������ѧ�е������ڽ�ѧ�����˺���ҫ�����á����ǽ�ѧ����ҫ�ֶκͽ�ѧ����л���ɲ��֡�bellack(1996)��ָ���������������о��ŀ����ϣ���ѧ����ĺ����ǽ�ʦ�����ʣ�ѧ���ļش𣬾���������ʦ��ѧ���ļش��������ķ�ӧ�����������ʵ���ч��ֱ�ӿ����ž�ʦ��ѧ�������ͽ�ѧˮƽ����ʱ����ͼ����ᷢ�ֽ�ʦ���ƹ���ʽ���ʣ�����ʦͨ�����ϵ�׷�ʣ�������һщû��ʵ��˼ά���������ʣ����ʦ��ͣ����ѧ����yes or no? do you think so?right or wrong ? �ȣ���ҫѧ�����լ�����ƻش�yes; һζ�ذ�ѧ�����լ�Ԥ��ġ����ӡ����桰�ơ�;��ѧ����ѿ���˼�ش�ħ��ʦ��õ���.��������ʱ�����ѿ����˺ܶ�����е��ձ�������������������ҫԭ���ǽ�ʦ��ѧ������ͺ�ֻ��ע��ѧ��ƶ�����ʵʩ����ע�ؽ�ѧ���̵��������;ֻ�����լ�׼���������dz��ǽ����ˣ�������ѧ���dz��ǽ����ˡ���ȼ����ʦ��������һ��ҫ�ʶ�(һ����ȣ������ܳ�խѧ����֪ʶ����;���ǹ�ȣ������ܳ���ѧ������ʵ���ķ�χ)���������ʺ�������������



����������ʦҫӫ�조���㡱���ÿ��ý�ѧ�߳����� ��





����1�� ������ʦҫ͸������̲ģ���ѧ��ƴ�ʵ�ʳ��� ��




ӣ���ѧ��� ӣ���ѧ���09-02








